Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] assume [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , there are some sufferers from addictive disease — Particularly cocaine users — who may for quite some time be highly respectable and law-abiding and thereby wrongly assume that they are not addicted .
2 He also believes that a Martian might be able to understand symbols ( and so apparently assumes that the Martian is not going to be at all like any future ( IBM computer ) .
3 She was coldly angry now that he should so calmly assume that what he desired was there for him to take .
4 All the models of passive rifting discussed so far assume that rifting is more or less a symmetric process ; that is , we would expect the opposing passive margins formed through continental break-up to have a similar structure and morphology because they have experienced a similar tectonic history .
5 We have so far assumed that the micro-instructions are held in a read-only control store , although we have considered the possibility of interchangeable plug-in control stores .
6 We have so far assumed that it is a word form associated with a single sense , and that a difference of word form entails a difference of lexical unit .
7 She could only now assume that Life had served him badly in some way , at least in his own opinion .
8 It is perhaps implicitly assumed that each franchise chain has little market power .
9 Yet a surprisingly large proportion of market research is still based on the spending patterns of the baby boomers ' parents , and so implicitly assumes that they are all but identical .
10 So it remains to be seen whether we may have such a network , or perhaps even assuming that nearly all the cheap oil runs out , whether we might in fact manufacture petrol artificially from wood , coal , or gas , simply to provide the excellent fuel with its wonderful storage characteristics for long distance transport .
11 To do so it is necessary to examine the origins of our literary expectations which so frequently assume that the best literary experience deals with individuals capable of making moral distinctions and to question the pejorative critical formulations which tend to accompany assessments of characters as vehicles for ideas : caricature , static , incompletely realised , and so on .
12 So why assume that you must inevitably lose ?
13 So why assume that the scars Luke had left on her would take longer to fade ?
14 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
15 or you ca n't have a lunch break , but she did n't , she just automatically assumes that everybody knows what 's going on in her head be that everybody else should know as well , yeah anyway I 've got to go Matt 's shouting , he 's obviously having problems plumbing the dishwasher , god his little cotton socks , so we 'll see you later , alright then , see you later on ta ta .
16 Despite Cuvier 's warnings , it was still widely assumed that the vertebrates are collectively more advanced than any invertebrate type .
17 We need to analyse the components of the business and we can not any longer assume that they will all naturally stick together . ’
18 Rather , she more bravely assumes that by repulsing him , she will be dismissed from her position and never see him again .
19 Although it is still popularly assumed that men are more prone to fall prey to the ravages of ‘ burnout ’ due to overwork and unhealthy lifestyle , all the evidence now points to women , especially aged between 35 and 50 , as today 's prime targets of stress .
20 Muggeridge once again assumed that aggrieved air , which was easy enough for him , because he felt aggrieved much of the time .
21 The Forty-Second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education , published in 1943 , devoted a whole volume ( Part Two ) to " The library in general education " , once again assuming that the whole idea was totally novel .
22 He probably just assumed that you were seeing me in connection with my work . ’
23 It is also normally assumed that there is a perfectly competitive market structure and no potential to reap economies of scale .
24 It may be reasonably confidently assumed that the different criteria for ambiguity which have been described in fact are sensitive to the same underlying semantic property , and that in the absence of ‘ special factors ’ will provide identical diagnoses .
25 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
26 On the evidence we have been considering so far , we can also safely assume that many more of these defendants will be given custodial sentences than would otherwise have been the case , and that the terms imposed will also be substantially longer in many cases .
27 But Lee Bridges of the Public Law Project points out that judicial reviews have so far effectively assumed that , even if services are provided by an independent agent , ultimate responsibility lies with the public body holding basis statutory responsibility .
28 Certain astronomers now incorrectly assume that everything about our circumstance must be unspecial , insignificant , and just plain mediocre .
29 Thirdly , economists often implicitly assume that more labour supply is a good thing .
30 The research procedure here usually assumes that people can read and write ( which can be a serious limitation ) , and it also conveniently throws the burden of veracity on one 's informants .
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