Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] gave he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , say I then took Fiona off him and maybe I told him to go find himself another filly and the next thing was he got a pincer-hold on my ear and was bopping me one on the nose and there I was bleeding fit to fill the Frenchy furrows so naturally I gave him one back . ’
2 So I gave him a copy of my summary .
3 So I gave him a yard of slack line and decided to wait it out .
4 So I gave him slack line and waited again .
5 So I gave him half of mine , half of it , you know how it 's a tablet now ?
6 , . I had a very serious patient er , the other day , and I treated him and gave him six months to live , but at the end of six months , he did n't pay his account , so I gave him another six months . , .
7 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
8 so I gave him a couple of quid , three quid , for lending me it plus the spinner cos spinner do n't work on washer
9 Oh yes , they were a bit pleased but straight away they started getting , you know Alex was getting tired so we were getting can I get it out , can I get this out , can I get that and it were half open and I was frightened of losing the bits so I gave him one and he said no he did n't want that one he wanted the other one , so I give him another one and then I nearly gave him a clout .
10 So she gave him more liquid paraffin did she ?
11 At ten o'clock she gave him beef tea and brandy .
12 So they gave him a job .
13 So they gave him milk , they gave him books to read , they allowed food parcels from the Embassy .
14 So they gave him a special job . ’
15 And once I gave him a fish-cake for free .
16 Quickly she gave him a tip , also a message to be delivered to William Ash , warning him that she 'd be in contact with him as soon as she knew where Ace planned to base himself .
17 And then when he 'd won he offered Heseltine the had of friendship and promptly he gave him the Poll Tax , which will finish him for ever .
18 Once more it gave him a feeling of identity , but this time it was n't reassuring .
19 ‘ Seven years later they gave him a parish of his own .
20 So then he gave them Visa , which he 'd hardly been using at all , and twenty minutes later they gave him a car .
21 Often he was right , often I gave him a bad time for sticking his nose in .
22 He immediately queried the instructions and eventually they gave him a new course to steer .
23 Well I gave him all the information that had been given to me and we discussed between us various options that were open to us .
24 Well I gave him two when he stayed here to stay er to hang er on his door and he
25 But er well I gave him a box of matches to go with him and I thought oh well he 'll have plenty of matches then .
26 After the lesson he told me that he wanted to buy a really good shirt he 'd seen somewhere , and I enquired into the resale potential of the item with a view to recovering my outlay in case of bankruptcy , which amused him further ; and then I gave him my terms .
27 We talked a bit then I gave him a lift back to his hotel .
28 Then I gave him the slip and came to London . ’
29 Or maybe someone gave him a warning .
30 Then she gave him a fine-toothed comb that would drag the dead lice and their eggs from his hair after the liquid had done its work .
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