Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] working [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm only through working with the peasants surely .
2 Salvation lies only in working with the system of redemptive choices .
3 The youngsters clearly learn much from working with professionals in professional theatres and in workshops with tutors from the professional theatre .
4 Merely by working from ten o'clock until six o'clock instead of nine to five , workers living 10 miles from London can save half their travel costs per week .
5 She found her bearings conventionally enough by working for the US information office in Bogota , Colombia , and then in Rio di Janeiro where she acquired a lifelong love for Brazil .
6 just like working in a factory — you dust the same thing every day and it 's never appreciated .
7 When I come away from working with Slatkin I always feel more mentally alert than when I started .
8 They 'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past fortnight , and each time he 'd been taken away from working with patients and given something fiddling to do .
9 Through extensive interviews , it focuses on the lives of 15 British men and women , aged between 70 and 90 , who have dedicated half a century or longer to working for social change and justice .
10 This tendency to catch and pull happens most often when approaching the workpiece , but with experience I found this can be avoided easily by working against the rotation .
11 It is rather like working with people from other countries ; there may be good communication at one level , but at the same time one has the sense of the difference of cultures .
12 Most important of all , educational priority areas should be formally designated , and teachers paid more for working in them .
13 There are several schools of thought about whether young children get more from working on what they know — dramas about shopping , going to school , their daily routines — or fantasy .
14 Carl had been on his way home from working in Japan and changed planes at Schiphol .
15 An object can be drawn initially as a two-dimensional view , with position and depth given to various surfaces and features later by working in another view .
16 It is the agency 's job to establish a good working relationship between employers and agency staff , and it is in your interests to promote this by fulfilling your obligations to both by working in a professional and reliable way .
17 It 's it 's got to be ca often work sideways from working with this door open ?
18 Frank Walker retired two years ago after working for the South Tees Health authority for 23 years .
19 The model presented here of working with parents enables the clinician to progress at the parents ' rate of change and understanding .
20 In this issue we are looking particularly at working with nature , it that 's not too simplistic a way to put it .
21 The chimpanzees can only catch them regularly by working in teams .
22 Schools which observe a principle of ‘ open house ’ are better able to achieve this , because they encourage parents and local residents to make visits during school hours , and have been shown to make notable improvements in the quality of the education which they provide simply by working with parents on a basis of equality .
23 The process will still remain an essentially entrepreneurial one , but instead of working with a group of ‘ pure ’ entrepreneurs , we could simply recognize an entrepreneurial aspect to the activities of each market participant .
24 But instead of working on Varsity , the established undergraduate paper , he was already determined to be different .
25 But instead of working at the Sun Valley factory in Hereford , they 're on a production line at Orleans in France .
26 Instead of working from home or at the DEA office , Coleman was given a desk at the Eurame Trading Company Ltd. , a DEA/CIA ‘ front ’ newly set up by the Cypriot Police Narcotics Squad in a luxury three-bedroomed penthouse apartment down the street from the US Embassy .
27 Now , the mechanical coal-cutter , the conveyor belt , and the steel arch for roof support were quickly supplanting the old hand-methods , and for the stalls were substituting the long face where the coal-cutter undercut a greater length of the coal-seam , and the colliers , instead of working in pairs , now worked in groups , filling the coal on to the moving conveyor belt that ran parallel to the face .
28 As the argument goes on , Roger Sanderson says the time he spends cleaning up instead of working in his factory is money down the drain .
29 For example , instead of working within an LEA 's planned admissions policy , managers must have information that can help them in the recruitment programme which has become possible through open enrolment legislation .
30 But by 1837 local groups were active again in working against apprenticeship .
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