Example sentences of "[pers pn] telling [pers pn] you " in BNC.

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1 Are ye telling me ye 'll ever be at home among them ? ’
2 ‘ Are you telling me you got out and then went back in again after me ? ’
3 ‘ Are you telling me you have n't posted my letter to Richard ?
4 ‘ Are you telling me you 've a pain ? ’ he asked anxiously .
5 I remember you telling me you came to from the Republic of Ireland .
6 I mean it 's interesting I mean Cynthia raised that point yesterday , to which the answer , I mean I 'm afraid I have to say th th the glib answer is , why are you telling me you need a minimum number of two members of staff at lunch time , for a full time office in the centre of town , surrounded by bloody phone calls , in school buildings , when you send one single member of staff aged twenty one ,
7 ‘ Are you telling me you do n't want to get married ? ’
8 Are you telling me you 've built some jealous fantasy out of two seconds on the phone ?
9 ‘ Are you telling me you 've never been tempted ?
10 ‘ Are you telling me you were concerned for my soul ? ’ she mocked .
11 ‘ Are you telling me you 're having second thoughts ?
12 ‘ Are you telling me you 've never shared a glass of champagne before ? ’
13 ‘ I seem to recall you telling me you took no pleasure in a woman 's coldness , ’ she said with more assurance than she felt .
14 Are you telling me you do n't want it ? ’
15 But yeah , I mean , there was so so many inconsistencies on , on the Irish witness side , you know , like what , what matey said I was , I was running out and all of a sudden I felt a pain from here on those fuck it , he 's up there , got big forearms , and big sort of muscle that size , that 's really wasted this side even after twenty years , it must of about and apparently one matey got shot in the back running away , oh no five out of the thirteen got shot in the back , which again does n't fucking mean any thing , you know that 's , but I said if there 's I R A supporters there and that , you telling me you seen where your comrades have fucking get shot , you 're not , you 're not gon na try and pick up his weapon and stuff I mean like , it was just a perfect opportunity to , to get one over on the British Forces and I , I said I do n't think yet the para 's were entirely blameless , but then again I do n't think they ever have been in any of their fucking
16 So what , are you telling me you 're gon na be a nun , and never have sex .
17 ‘ Thing , are you telling us you do n't know the way back to the quarry ? ’ said Gurder .
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