Example sentences of "[pers pn] work for the " in BNC.

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1 P.S. I work for the Inland Revenue — am I still allowed to be a punk ?
2 Well I work for the organization Crossroads , and I think what I find in in my contacts with carers is that they need help in the way , and when they need it however , our organization is restricted by lack of funding
3 I work for the same pre project as Verity and I worked with five , fifteen , sixteen year old boys , just yesterday , and they were one of the best groups I 'd ever worked with because
4 ‘ I 'm not the buyer , ’ Culley told him , ‘ I work for the buyer .
5 ‘ Well , ’ said Caspar , and then glanced over his shoulder as if to make sure no one was listening , ‘ well , the truth of it is , that I work for the Gruagach .
6 Now I work for the Family Planning Association because they pay a salary as well as a bonus for each sterilisation .
7 Erm well they 're , they 're based actually in , in America but I work for the U K division .
8 I work for the council salting the roads .
9 I was so disappointed to find out that , because I work for the company , I could not send off for three free tea towels and a £1 gift voucher being offered as part of a Hovis and JS combined promotion .
10 I do n't give a monkey 's shit , I work for the cops .
11 If so , whether you work for the buyer or the seller , you will be able to complain of unfair dismissal , subject to the normal eligibility rule outlined in Chapter 20 .
12 ‘ You need to know where they all are if you work for the Royal Mail , ’ Coltman says .
13 President-elect Bill Clinton , who takes over from Bush on January 20 , said Mr Bush 's decision gave the message : ‘ If you work for the government you 're above the law . ’
14 Quizzed on the allegation by shocked interviewer Nick Clark , he said : ‘ You work for the BBC .
15 ‘ Do I take it that you work for the same man as the two who broke into my house ? ’ she asked .
16 We will consider you to be wasting ES time if you spend long or frequent periods of time talking about personal matters which have no relevance to you work for the ES .
17 These are binding on you while you work for the ES and after you leave the organisation , both at work and in your own time .
18 Now it is generally observed that most civil servants whatever country they come from make sure that they er give each other pay rises and I know it happens in this country the Civil Service pay pays quite well and it 's certainly a key erm feature in er pay structure in developing countries that if your , if you work for the government you are very very well paid , like government wages can be , you know , four , five , six , ten , twenty times
19 Crackers and flares take on a whole new meaning when you work for the Olefines business .
20 But in the end , you know , you work for the , for the people and not the politicians .
21 We work for the prison service director-general and negotiate with him .
22 We work for the King of Ruritania . ’
23 I think that the first thing that one would have to say is that we work for the Ministry of Defence , and not the Ministry of War and therefore we are about defence , we 're about the maintenance of peace , erm this you know maintaining of justice etc etc .
24 Fragmented evidence suggests that questions about married women 's reasons for taking jobs tap the normative tip of the iceberg — that women say they work for the money because this is the socially acceptable reason .
25 Presumably most of us work for the same principal reason — in order to live — but the choice of job may be influenced more by necessity than choice .
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