Example sentences of "[pers pn] decided that it " in BNC.

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1 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
2 ( And , in case I muddled the halves and thought the lady 's name was Mary Marks , I decided that it would be a very windy day and that , as the skirt of her wedding gown was blown by the gales , I was able to see that she was wearing suspenders . )
3 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
4 When thinking about this design , I decided that it would be a charming idea to incorporate all the elements that accompanied the bouquet of roses .
5 However , as it was brass , I decided that it was collectable .
6 It was getting dark and the wind had freshened , the rain gusting through the length of the shed so I decided that it was time to pack up and head for the nearest hospitable pub where I had been told I would be able to get a good meal of hot pie and peas .
7 In late August I was finishing my day at the heart clinic , where I had been working for several months , when I decided that it was time to go .
8 We had several until I decided that it was time for me to sit on her lap .
9 That 's how I used to act , until I realized it was just a sham and I decided that it was time I was honest with myself .
10 So I decided that it was time to pack up I decided that the nights were made to sleep on n n n and I was going to sleep on them you see ?
11 I decided that it was perhaps because they were n't possessive and had given no other human being the feeling that having been once disgorged he was n't safe and at any moment might find himself gobbled up again and back in the confines of a body not his own .
12 I decided that it would be a Colonel Shelhi , a very intelligent man and a great admirer of Colonel Nasser .
13 ‘ On the Friday night I had stayed up to watch the late film , and at 3.30am I decided that it was n't worthwhile going to bed as I had to be at John 's house at seven o'clock .
14 With the greatest of reluctance , I decided that it was time I bought myself another detector .
15 But because of the growth of Anti-Americanism in Iran , " I decided that it would be better for the Shah to live elsewhere . "
16 Her interest in cosmetics , like that of her friend Alix Bowen , was minimal , but , like Alix Bowen , she decided that it was after all a festive occasion , and she began at this late moment to apply a little mascara .
17 She emphasised that she did not want to get better ; that there was no reason or motive for her to get better ; that she wished to remain in control ; that she would cure herself when she decided that it was right to do so .
18 She emphasised that she did not want to get better ; that there was no reason or motive for her to get better ; that she wished to remain in control ; that she would cure herself when she decided that it was right to do so .
19 She decided that it was probably just another disorientating effect of withdrawal .
20 It was not a style that she had affected before , but she decided that it suited her better than the severe chignon had ever done .
21 She decided that it would be best to stay where she was .
22 So we decided that it was worth three pounds . ’
23 We decided that it was time to start on Jack Nopps ' apricot brandy .
24 We decided that it would be easier to send them by air to Singapore , placing them considerably closer to their intended final destination .
25 Although our son had only one more year to spend at Liphook Junior School , we decided that it would be in his best interests to send him to another state school in Haslemere .
26 Although this would have provided the pupils with much more information on the Second World War , we decided that it would take a significant amount of control away from the pupils .
27 However we decided that it was worth trying , arranged it for Thursday 22nd June , starting from Craven Arms , and very successful it was , with 29 people coming on the trip .
28 I would have said at forty one you know you er you 're still probably young enough to get a salaried job but we decided that it might be worth er you trying this avenue .
29 Erm so we decided that it was important to try and find some more formalised way of testing what er the market satisfaction was and the service we are providing .
30 Rather than looking at the proposal we decided that it was so that 's what we did really and that 's why , if you have a look down there right , so all we 're doing then we 're working through the resources and allocating them room numbers erm and then when that 's done so that 's what we did for each of the little rooms .
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