Example sentences of "[pers pn] to say [that] he " in BNC.

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1 Jenny understands him to say that he has had trouble on his travels ‘ with the Reds ’ .
2 Much safer for him to say that he approves of better education and better health-care for all .
3 But I have tried to talk to him , to persuade him to say that he thought the askaris were going to shoot him or that it was a misunderstanding , but he refuse absolutely to excuse himself . ’
4 Like Richard said if we get him to say that he 'd like to do Shakespeare , he 's sick of plon plonker good story .
5 Anyway , look , it 's not for him to say that he 's gon na keep the trades council movement alive , the trades council movement can well look after itself , without the interference of the dead hand of the T U C.
6 Something like : As for John 's sexual life during our years here in the city , suffice it to say that he dated a lot of nurses .
7 He also became disenchanted with the amount of the correspondence ; his replies become shorter and shorter until , in September 1937 , his secretary wrote , " Mr Eliot also asked me to say that he is intending to write to you as soon as he has several consecutive free hours " .
8 It would not be right for me to say that he was wrongly ennobled , because I know too little about him to be able to detect whatever surprising quality it was that commended itself to Harold Wilson for admission to the House of Lords .
9 Suddenly , on 8th January , he telephoned me to say that he was going to Sandringham to tender his resignation to the Queen .
10 Kunstavisen reports in its March/April number that not only did many artists protest because they were not on the list but one contacted them to say that he had lost the possibility of a big exhibition because he had not been included .
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