Example sentences of "[pers pn] sometimes [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ’ I shouted merrily , beginning to experience an ache somewhere near my bladder that I sometimes get when things are going particluarly badly and I ca n't see any way out .
2 I sometimes feel when Anth 's competing there 's two of them there , ’ he says later .
3 Well I sometimes do when , er , if , I have a tendency when it 's , when it 's right to praise instantly when it 's right and when it 's wrong .
4 I sometimes wondered whether she had been angry with the infant Margaret and whether I had feared her always .
5 ‘ When I was in the Army I sometimes wondered if the young could forgive the grown-ups , ’ said Joe , thinking the new lodger a beauty .
6 See I sometimes wonder whether it 's not worth giving them some kind of er a proper test .
7 ‘ You know , I sometimes wonder whether you do still really and truly love me . ’
8 I give all the children vitamin drops that I get from the clinic but I sometimes wonder whether they 're really necessary .
9 As Claud Mullins , a London magistrate , commented on the plight of separated women in 1935 : ‘ Day by day as I watch the women who come into court on summonses for arrears — probably the least attractive of all Police Court work — I sometimes wonder whether after all many of them would not have done better to put up with the ills they had , rather than to have placed their faith in court orders ’ .
10 I sometimes wonder whether Mark really knows as much about ordinary people as he likes to think .
11 I confess that I sometimes wonder whether the thought of Europe as a whole is in some people 's minds , particularly when we discuss our friends in the Community and their actions .
12 I sometimes wonder if there was that kind of risk when God planned the cross from the beginning of time .
13 Still , there is plenty to justify Scrooge s charge of humbug in our present day Christmas practice , and I sometimes wonder if it is us who need to be frightened out of our effervescent joy .
14 I sometimes wonder if the reason I struggled with university mathematics was that no one had taken the trouble to express the mysteries of analysis in comic strip form .
15 Indeed , I sometimes wonder if they were even aware that this accident in Belgium had happened .
16 With him , even when I 'm an inch away from clear victory , I sometimes wonder if I have ever suffered so .
17 I sometimes wonder if all this wifely loyalty 's misplaced . ’
18 I sometimes wonder if some of them are going to get up again . "
19 I sometimes wonder if you realise what this work actually means , Nicholson .
20 It 's bad enough having to take out a loan to get married , I sometimes wonder if I need to do the same as a bridesmaid !
21 A quick look round to see if anyone on the faculty might be listening and then , traitorously , raising her glass almost to her lips , ‘ In fact , I sometimes wonder if we are n't all dead . ’
22 I sometimes wonder if Luke is n't jealous of me , ’ Rob whispered , grinning .
23 CATHERINE I sometimes wonder if that 's why it happened .
24 I sometimes wonder if he is watching me through it . ’
25 I sometimes wonder if she 's any senses to come to . ’
26 subject I sometimes wonder if sometimes the Tory politicians are like Jehovah 's Witnesses really , they sort of set out into battle and say go out and convert these people , we 're gon na slam the door on them .
27 I sometimes think if that is true , I must be the most successful Chancellor there has ever been .
28 I walk into the terminal thinking , Well , at least there is n't that smell of sewage around you sometimes get when you arrive in dear old Embra ; I 'm not sure I could handle that right now .
29 It comes with its own good reviews in the form of sleevenotes which make amusingly extravagant claims , including that it is a record about ‘ how you sometimes feel like the sky will peel away like a mask and reveal something more brilliant behind ’ , which may tell some of you not just a little of how this record sounds , but how it got to sound that way too .
30 Hilda felt he was a stranger , someone she had only just met , a feeling she sometimes had when he met up with friends he 'd known before they got married .
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