Example sentences of "[pers pn] later [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 I later realized that I had posed during a crucial period , and the tiny bronzes that resulted ( for that size prevailed ) continue daily to touch me .
2 I later realized that the reason I always did so badly was I just could n't see the blackboard because I was so short-sighted .
3 Linde 's idea of a slow breaking of symmetry was very good , but I later realized that his bubbles would have to have been bigger than the size of the universe at the time !
4 I later discovered that the area was one of those settled by the original Spanish conquistadores in the 1560s ; by 1980 , Loreto itself , still largely cut off from the outside world , consisted only of a church , a school and five houses , although there were many more Indian families in houses scattered through the surrounding forest .
5 I later discovered that this country was called Brobdingnag .
6 I could not understand at the time why they thought we were Germans , but I later discovered that they knew we were people from a border and the only border they could think of was the one with Austria , which for them was the same as Germany .
7 I later learnt that the corpse had been badly mauled in battle , the face disfigured by a crashing axe blow .
8 I later learned that he had n't seen Mr Rafter at all , but had hot-footed it back to Mullingar .
9 I later learned that David and Karen got no further than Tobermory .
10 I later learned that , when they went off together in that fashion , it was to go to the pictures .
11 I later learned that those who would be most keen to read such an account were precisely those who had been at the game .
12 She later discovered that eighteen bridges had been destroyed .
13 Mrs Ross tells me that she later discovered that several years earlier near Paisley signal box two trains had collided with loss of life .
14 She later confessed that she had seen in him not a budding genius , but only a ‘ little man ’ .
15 The mother herself appears to have thought so , for she later stated that she regretted having taken that step at that time .
16 Probably , for we later read that ‘ want of opportunity has been in some respect a prejudice to my business ’ , and , ‘ the noble act of embalming has been entirely ruined by the undertakers ’ .
17 After many of the recent disasters we later learned that the authorities knew there was a problem all along — but the public did n't .
18 It later transpired that Macmillan claimed that he had deliberately delayed answering questions in the Commons in order to give time to withdraw MI6 agents from East Europe .
19 It later transpired that the Russians knew perfectly well what had happened , but were obviously enjoying the confusion their seemingly naive questions were provoking .
20 A Mayday was transmitted , but it later transpired that this had not been heard , probably due to a simultaneous transmission from another aircraft .
21 It later transpired that all but one of these were for the Bulgarian A team .
22 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
23 It later transpired that the Hargrave vehicle customs-cleared its load of Spanish refrigerated produce in Dover as it would have done on any night of the year , up till now .
24 But it later emerged that the first of three contaminated cargoes arrived on October 5 .
25 It later emerged that Wells escaped being recaptured .
26 It later emerged that he had waived about £34,000 of his £198,000 salary in response to the row .
27 One of the survivors told me that her mother " never worked " , but it later emerged that she did go out to clean offices .
28 It later emerged that West Germany was also to provide an interest-free loan of DM3,000 million to the Soviet Union to enable the country to pay for its share of the costs of maintaining Soviet troops in East Germany up to 1994 .
29 It later emerged that they had loaded crude here for third parties to whom they had been chartered-out .
30 It later declared that while recognizing President Eduardo dos Santos as head of state , it continued to deny the legitimacy of the MPLA government .
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