Example sentences of "[pers pn] thought i 'd " in BNC.

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1 He recalls , ‘ When I was sentenced I thought I 'd be killed straight away .
2 I thought I 'd wait until I made a go of it before I told you .
3 Being the nosy type , I thought I 'd pick his brains .
4 So I thought I 'd drop you a line through the magazine to convey my get-well-soon message and show the rest of the readership what a handsome chap you are .
5 Looking around , I saw this man with a beard , who smelled nice and friendly , so I thought I 'd go and say ‘ hello ’ .
6 I thought I 'd be beaten , ’ Turi said , ‘ but I began to realise I 'd chosen the right route by not cutting inside fences .
7 ‘ I knew I was n't going great but I thought I 'd score 8,200-8,300 .
8 As I was applying to art school I needed a reference so I told Vivienne that I thought I 'd ask Malcolm , since he was my employer .
9 Anything western was frowned upon , so I thought I 'd give it a bit of time before I got into my trousers and things .
10 I thought I 'd absorb myself in all these things .
11 By Gareth Parry AS THIS column is just over a year old , I thought I 'd give you all a bit of a break , and write about the psychology of DIY .
12 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
13 I thought I 'd try their bedroom again , and the call was answered by Rozanov .
14 I thought I 'd drop round to see Irena after work , ’ she said .
15 I THOUGHT I 'd write this week about wines from unsung corners of the world , and began to round up the usual suspects — Cyprus , Israel , Canada , Belgium .
16 I thought I 'd return your bottle , ’ the Bookman said calmly .
17 I thought I 'd come along and lend a hand , ’ he smiled at Maggie .
18 ‘ True , ’ said Hopper , ‘ but I thought I 'd give you the chance of testing for it … ’
19 I thought I 'd write to a few comedians to see if I could get them to sit for a portrait , to get a few shots together for my portfolio , and then , suddenly , this snowball seemed to start rolling …
20 I thought I 'd go back to Ireland for a bit and go to Clonmacnoise .
21 He said hello , so I thought I 'd give him a try first .
22 I thought I 'd patch it up and maybe float around on it in summer . ’
23 I thought I 'd like to write more characters who , by being deadly serious , would give themselves away …
24 Well I thought I 'd just do a freezer shop anyway — just the basics basically plus one or two Little Extras , just the odd thing Derek likes , just in case …
25 I need my dream , I 've got to have it — like I had to have that fairy-and-goblin curtain material when I was about six and I thought I 'd die when Mum said No , we must have the blue flowery material because it would outlast my six-year-old fairy-and-goblin phase .
26 I thought I 'd die .
27 I 'm just about to go to bed and I thought I 'd ring and see how things are with you . ’
28 Since the manufacturers of ‘ Summer 's Eve ’ have complained to you about my comments on their product , I thought I 'd copy to you this letter sent to their PR representative when she sent me literature and samples .
29 I thought I 'd visit some of the mothers with Foundling babies today . ’
30 So I thought I 'd write to you too .
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