Example sentences of "[pers pn] 're sort of " in BNC.

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1 You 're sort of running around all the time , so you do n't get time for anything else .
2 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
3 When you when you come up here and do the driving you find that erm because people are are just not available at the time and erm y I 'm here just for a and Stan only here for a a limited period , and er you 're sort of trying they 're downstairs they 're trying to get people off the trucks when they come in or whatever the case may be to go out and do an assessment run , and it 's not always possible .
4 You you 're sort of just stopping and starting , stopping and starting as the others are going down .
5 If you 're sort of travelling a bit too fast , you 've got ta rush your steering , things might not be right .
6 So you 're sort of thinking at different levels .
7 Cos that 's how you measure jobs when you in erm When you 're sort of managing projects or something or so many man hours to build this and then so many man hours to do this and then so many man hours to do that .
8 ‘ Well , you and Carol , you 're sort of settled now , are n't you ? ’ he said .
9 So you 're sort of right in a way that it 's two sine squared X but this wrong .
10 which you do , and then you 're er you know in their eyes you 're , you 're sort of trained to some sort of level for their sort of work .
11 They 're the They 're the head ones and they 're place in you 're sort of in charge .
12 Erm I think it 's really very sad that i it 's just the society we live in has put these kind of pressures on marriages and you know we 're all human and we can all be tempted to look at other people and be unfaithful but in those times of er you know temptation you just I well I I 've found that that 's where my faith comes in you 're sort of helped through those times .
13 Er you you 're sort of chatting away and people come in and they 're all over the place , so er
14 You just ca n't believe it , you know , you 're sort of like this are n't you .
15 How dare you do thing like that , you know , you 're sort of , you , you just ca n't , you 're almost beside yourself , as you 're trying to use up all that adrenaline , all that energy that 's poured into your body as you try to help that child across the road , knowing in actual fact you ca n't .
16 On these days , you 're sort of , you 're coordination goes as well does n't it , and you knock the coffee flying , always over the company report .
17 Barbara Cartland , you know , who really cares , so long as you 're sort of thinking right , I 've got to concentrate on this , because you know , have this different way of going about things .
18 There 's also a lot of stress in hobbies , sport , because you 're , you 're sort of challenged , you want to win something , or , even your hobby , you want to get something right .
19 I mean the bas if you 're sort of wanting to take any holiday or time
20 It 's really if you 're sort of gon na be away for a couple of weeks .
21 You 're sort of halfway betwe yeah between the an average size window and a patio .
22 I think you 're sort of drawing drawing their attention to the public concern over that sort of phrase .
23 Erm distinction made when you 're sort of talking about audiences th the sort of participating audience where we interact and there 's the one where I sort of talk to you and you 're passive that .
24 So that 's great but we started off with three there and we should have started off with E. So through imme a this this is intensely repetitive so that you can you 're building it up , you 're sort of doing it with numbers and then you 're doing it more
25 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
26 Yeah you 're sort of thinking when my why got a card and then they tell you to look round , how much it 's gon na cost you and I mean , you know , jus jus just you know is everything gon na work out , you know ?
27 Right , when you 're actually doing the busy outside , not from an office , when you 're sort of going out and see people , it 's always the one that 's , the furthest away .
28 Mind you , you 've got it bound yo you 're sort of restricting the blood are n't you ?
29 It 's when you 're sort of there .
30 That 's what I was saying , you 're sort of middle of August
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