Example sentences of "[pers pn] 've just come " in BNC.

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1 I 've just come back from France .
2 I 've just come from down there , have n't I ?
3 I 've just come to realise : this is my life , I do n't know how long I 've got , I might as well enjoy that time being me , because I 'm stuck with this body , this face , this skin colour ; I have to make the most of it .
4 I 've just come from identifying my sister in the temporary mortuary .
5 I 've just come from Harold 's .
6 I 've just come across from the factory ; it 's windy out . ’
7 I 've just come off the Isle of Man boat . ’
8 I 've just come from a session with Gladys Brown , a strange woman who has the room next to Meryl Armitage 's .
9 I 've just come off duty !
10 I 've just come from the Foreign Office , and you 're immediately on a new assignment .
11 I 've just come from work .
12 I 've just come from the Appeal Court .
13 I 've just come from a crossroads called Quatre Bras , sir .
14 Well erm , I 've just come up and and the accident so I 'm only entitled to money for the first four days .
15 Well erm I 've just come off holiday and so I wo n't be entitled to none for the first four days .
16 I 've just come in .
17 I start to run again , back the way I 've just come , the branch held out in front of me in both hands .
18 I said , ‘ Look , you know I 've just come out of Holloway after being on remand . ’
19 I 've I 've just come back on that D two stop three .
20 I 've just come for the skirt your mum 's fixed for me , ’ she said .
21 I 've just come across the details of your interesting looking conference in Blois .
22 I 've just come out of hospital .
23 I 've just come from a meeting with Bobby Anscombe .
24 ‘ As you can see , I 've just come out of the bath , ’ Shae said , striving to remain polite , when every instinct in her soul was screaming at her to send the actress running with her tail between her legs .
25 So I 've just come out of the goodness of my heart to warn you to save yourself while you can : you 'll lose Hugo — where is he , by the way ?
26 I 've just come here to work — at the vets ’ in Little Kirkton — Caro 's old job .
27 If someone called that she liked , she 'd say , I 've just come in .
28 I 've just come from the Embassy .
29 ‘ Dear Loretta , ’ she read , ‘ I 've just come back from an official trip to Italy , and I squeezed in a visit to a peace camp while I was there .
30 I 've just come back from the Thomas Garlands ’ place , sir . ’
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