Example sentences of "[pers pn] 've let [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They sent me another out and I thought oh right , but if I find it I 've to let them know , either give them it back or
2 W. S. I 've let plenty of people go .
3 Then I 'll call a district meeting where I 'll get other branches together erm shop stewards and that , and I 'll pass this information , I 've let them know there 's such a thing as .
4 I 've let them know it 's , it 's going ahead erm and that the vote is coming off .
5 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
6 I 've let him go pending further enquiries — he set his solicitor on me .
7 yes oh yes , could do that , I 've let him some out though when you see him at the back
8 Now you might say perhaps , without really thinking about it , well if he 's got any sense he wo n't have a lot of fe , faith in me because I am , I am a great failure , I 've let him down .
9 Did n't want her to chuck herself off a bridge , so I 've let her have one of my rooms . ’
10 I am here to act as a … a chairman , an impartial chairman , and I 've let myself be carried away .
11 Cos I 've let myself in for a day of temping .
12 I 've ever done , he said and I 'll be totally honest with you he said if I 'd have known how big it was I would n't have done the operation he said I really did n't know what I 've let myself in for , he said he 's had problems with
13 I know I 've let you down … but we 'll get by . ’
14 I 've let you play your games , you and Joseph , and I 've said it was nothing to me , it was enough that I was a painter .
15 ‘ I know that 's what you imagine , and I guess I 've let you believe that because I had become so accustomed to my privacy that I did n't care for your intrusion into it , but you 're wrong .
16 ‘ You 're really ambivalent about what I 've let you in for , are n't you ? ’
17 I I 've let it in
18 It is n't hot I 've let it cool down .
19 By the way , I 've let my landlady and her family know about you . ’
20 ‘ Do you think I 've let my tongue slip once with those creatures of yours marking my every word ?
21 You 've let y'self be hoodwinked by that knave , though the Lord knows why !
22 It 's a hell-raiser with 24-carat cuff-links and rounded vowels , it 's a freshly squeezed orange juice with a large shot of vodka — and like a Mickey Finn , the beauty of the Bentley is that you do n't know quite what you 've let yourself in for .
23 Pouf , man , you 've let yourself be scared by a figure plucked out of the clouds .
24 You 've let yourself be out negotiated . ’
25 at the the time I think when I was n't being assertive and when I was n't the difference was the person was younger than me and I was being assertive and then when I perhaps was n't and like said you feel after that you 've let yourself down .
26 ‘ That 's because you 've let him get away , ’ Whitlock snarled but the policeman snapped at him to face the front when he tried to look round .
27 You 've let him court you , after all . ’
28 You 've let him think it , ’ Mrs Alderley said repressively .
29 Yes , I think that 's If you , if your dog goes and bites somebody , an , you 're in trouble , because you 've let him get out of control , and
30 Now you 've let me down they 'll just say , we told you so , Sam and Foggerty and all .
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