Example sentences of "[pers pn] stated [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I stated that I would not hesitate to condemn and punish unacceptable behaviour ; equally , I would issue praise .
2 It niggled away at her for about perhaps another two seconds , then , apropos of nothing , almost without her own volition , she found that she was suddenly bursting out , ‘ The only time your name was mentioned at lunchtime was when I stated that I was here , in Czechoslovakia , to interview you . ’
3 Therefore she said , ‘ Less than an hour ago you stated that you will never marry Doreen .
4 She stated that she was in Cross Street near the Oliver 's shop at about 6.10pm .
5 In last year 's report , we stated that we were working hard to win some significant maintenance contracts with power generation companies .
6 At the social services planning committee we stated that we were anxious to make a fresh start in addressing the problems of our elderly persons homes .
7 In introducing the predicative construction in Section 3.2 we stated that it had two positive characteristics : completeness , which we regard as primary ; and the secondary characteristic of making explicit the validity of the subordinate property for the entity qualified .
8 It 's unfortunate that yet again the Mercury got it wrong they stated that we had made a decision to close four homes
9 They stated that they did not want him to exist in this fashion . ’
10 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
11 Last last time I was er resting was er about sixteen months ago and er I actually applied and got pretty far down the line er for a position within Woolworths only to find that er when they stated that they wanted people between the ages of twenty eight and thirty five they did actually mean that .
12 They stated that it cost taxpayers 3bn to 4bn per annum in overrun defence contracts .
13 He stated that it was his intention to start a Salisbury delivery but great-grandmother said that whilst she would n't change , her daughter who was about to marry might be interested .
14 In considering the case of B Ltd , he stated that it was easier to conclude that the mezzanine platforms were plant as the four platforms had been installed at different times , covered only 60% of the floor area and one had actually been dismantled .
15 After reference to the unfortunate existence of the BSP , he stated that it had been completely destroyed by amalgamation into the Communist Party ‘ pledged to follow the Bolshevist dictatorship of Lenin' .
16 He stated that it was a response to three problems : identification , intent and witnesses ( ibid . ,
17 He stated that it had only been made some fifteen to twenty years ago by , of all people , his uncle .
18 On finance , Heseltine conceded that the public had " not been persuaded that the [ community ] charge is fair " , and he stated that it would be replaced by a new local tax under which there would be a single bill for each household comprising two essential elements : the number of adults living there and the value of the property .
19 In a letter to the bishop he stated that he intended to appoint himself lay reader for the parish , to stick to the King James Bible and the Cranmer Prayer Book and to preach to himself ( and the sheep ) High Tory sermons ; so please would His Grace tell the neighbours to go stick their heads in their fonts .
20 In answer to a prosecution question , he stated that he did hear indistinct gunfire , but had thought no more of it .
21 He stated that he had met too many people who had become mentally disturbed by playing about with ideas and activities which have done them deep emotional damage .
22 To this meeting the Professor presented a surprising memorandum in which he stated that he had been calumniated both with respect to his private character and his professional abilities , and requesting that committees should be appointed immediately to enquire into the matter and report .
23 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
24 When the Central Authority carpeted him for this , he stated that he had done it both to meet statutory obligations and to make faster progress on rural electrification than agreed .
25 He stated that he did not expect any hostility when he returned to London .
26 Opinion polls showed that the charismatic Jackson would have won the contest easily , and thus removed the frequently heard criticism that he had never held elected office , but he stated that he preferred to concentrate his efforts at national level " to change the direction of this country " .
27 He stated that he was in favour of Quebec remaining as part of Canada under the principle of " 10 equal provinces " , i.e. without " distinct society " provisions .
28 This recommendation was in apparent contradiction to an interview given by Saddam Hussein broadcast on French television on July 9 , in which he stated that he hoped that the first free and democratic presidential elections in the country 's history would take place later in the year and that he would stand for re-election alongside other candidates .
29 He stated that he would not stand for re-election as majority whip in the Senate , nor would he seek re-election to the Senate when his current term expired in 1992 .
30 On March 2 Pedro Mendes Jurado became the new Attorney General ; he stated that he would step up the battle against terrorism and drug trafficking .
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