Example sentences of "[pers pn] consists of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It consists of developing a model of a process , eg corporate planning , which is then subjected to a series of trial-and-error experiments designed to predict the reactions of the process to variations in its inputs .
2 In essence it consists of inserting foreign DNA — which contains the genetic information necessary to confer the target characteristic — into a vector .
3 This is often referred to as prudential regulation and it consists of setting down standards in respect of such matters as the capital reserves which have to be maintained by banks .
4 It consists of trying to estimate the size of a coinage by calculating the number of dies made to produce it .
5 It consists of outlining hidden geometric shapes in larger complex figures .
6 Love is the antithesis of selfishness , it consists of investing one 's own resources in the well-being of another .
7 It consists of making categorical and systematic certain distinctions made , and preferences expressed , by Eliot in his essays ; and then dismissing Pound merely because he writes with a measure of respect of certain writers ( Swinburne is one example ) on whom Eliot , the arbiter of taste , is supposed to have conclusively turned down his thumbs .
8 It consists of placing a small clove of garlic underneath the tongue in hours of darkness when exposed to the carrier — the female anopheles mosquito .
9 It consists of checking items as they progress through the process , comparing them with relevant standards and taking corrective action , where required .
10 It consists of stripping these compounds out at sewage treatment works .
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