Example sentences of "[pers pn] tend [to-vb] of " in BNC.

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1 In fact I tend to think of mine as ‘ the casting off carriage ’ .
2 I tend to think of Basil still driving around the West Riding in his black Morris Minor , but in fact on a most memorable trip to Scotland , buying work for the West Riding schools , he already had a grey station-wagon .
3 I tend to think of all the convenience food as junk but I 'm sure some must be better than others . ’
4 For him there is one origin to phenomena we tend to think of as distinct : private property , the family , the State .
5 On this side of the Channel we tend to think of Bonington very differently .
6 We tend to think of the reptiles as somehow past their ‘ prime ’ , but it would be more accurate to say that they had been displaced from the top jobs in nature , while more than holding their own in the shop floor .
7 Although we tend to think of selection interviewing as a conversation between two people there are several variations on this theme , all of which have their advantages and disadvantages .
8 We tend to think of cruelty as incorporating violence , but equally cruel is the father who constantly belittles his son or daughter in front of others .
9 We tend to think of light as being in some way ‘ different ’ from the other forms of radiation , but this is misleading .
10 We tend to think of these beautiful insects as being very brightly coloured but when I began experimenting I was unable to get convincing results .
11 We tend to think of most Central American countries as somehow linked by the Caribbean Sea to the Caribbean islands and cultures ; but all the republics have Pacific coastlines — and so Guatemala , El Salvador , Honduras ( with a scant 45 miles of Pacific shoreline along the Gulf of Fonseca ) , Nicaragua , Costa Rica and of course Panama can rightly ( if pedantically ) be thought of as Pacific nations .
12 However , among the things which we tend to think of as good there are some few things which are more easily conceived in abstraction from any larger social or natural context and we will expect Moore 's method of isolation to reveal these as the main bearers of intrinsic goodness .
13 We tend to think of animal vision only in terms of that part of the spectrum of light which we can see ; and yet we know that the spectrum extends far beyond this .
14 We tend to think of joint finance , in the English context , as involving the district health authority , but there is a range of agencies — from the highest level in the NHS down to the family practitioner committees — who must have a part to play in planning community services and of course in supporting community services .
15 Even in my time we tend to think of aliens … you know , people from Outer Space ? as being so much in advance of our own civilization .
16 Within the public sector we tend to think of politicians as providing the vision for the organisation , expressed in terms , depending upon the ideology of the party in power , which include :
17 When we think of objectives we tend to think of objectives for growth and change .
18 Although we tend to think of industrial effluent , sewage is a more important source of pollution .
19 * Except for the top quality , Italian-produced no-cook pasta , such products should be avoided as they tend to taste of cardboard and have a similar texture .
20 When people think of natural scientists doing research , they tend to think of them in a laboratory , probably doing an experiment .
21 When people think of archaeology , they tend to think of excavations , particularly those in distant lands such as Egypt and Greece .
22 They tend to think of profits as being directly related to the volume of sales and find it confusing that for one year the reported sales are higher than the previous year but the reported net profit is lower .
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