Example sentences of "[pers pn] have been told " in BNC.

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1 As she saw movement near the doors Eleanor said , ‘ I have been told that you in America enjoy such freedom that socialism is not needed .
2 I have been told the Chinese have a simple inexpensive instrument to trace extra low frequencies .
3 Really bloody-minded children , I have been told — the MPs of the future , perhaps — deduce from all this lavish praise that the faeces are something worth keeping , and refuse to perform on that basis .
4 ‘ It has been described to me as an isolated house in the midst of fields , through which are only rough and rutty waggon tracks , and I have been told too , that it is hidden from passers along the road by a dark grove of trees .
5 I have been told ’ she smoothed the black lace across her knees , ‘ that my legs are the legs of a woman of thirty ; white all over — not a mark .
6 I was very upset , I have been told , because we had to leave our chow , Lün , behind owing to quarantine restrictions .
7 The garden resembles what I have been told of Primrose Hill .
8 Lynch , who fell on Barney Maclyvie at the first 11 years ago , said : ‘ I have been told that a lot of good jockeys have fallen at the first fence in their first ride in the National and then gone on to win the race next time .
9 I have been told it will be phased out by next year and motorists will be fined for using it .
10 I have been told that fitting the larger tyres will give a better top speed , and a better ride , is that correct ?
11 I have been told by the previous owner that he filled the hubs with grease instead of oil .
12 I have been told that the only solution is to run with the hubs locked out all the time , but is there a better solution ?
13 I have been told these engines were derated to 90hp by a plate under the carbs .
14 I have been told by fellow enthusiasts that the original 2.6 litre petrol engine was a very thirsty unit and they suggest that I should install either a diesel unit or a V6 petrol .
15 I have been told that the torque converter locks up in low low .
16 I have been told it could be an oil feed problem to the valve gear , but the pipe is clear .
17 I have been told they are not compatible with the V8 engine .
18 I ca n't say whether this is true or not but I have been told , it was spoke about when I was a kid , that they never saw each other except if they were both of the same religion .
19 I have been told by many other breeders that they have experienced a similar thing in their own kennels and so we can assume that the pecking order is not always maintained through physical strength .
20 I know what I see when I look at the grass and I have been told that the colour is called ‘ green ’ .
21 Two serious illnesses which I have been told about , but can not remember , occurred before I was three .
22 WHILE we are about it , I have been told of another effect that , for heaven 's sake , could not have been stumbled on by Francis Bacon .
23 ‘ I know only what I have been told , I do not remember that I ever saw him .
24 However , I have been told that I should only get one , because they eat each other .
25 And because all these things will begin to happen … exactly as I have been told they will happen … more and more rapidly … powerfully … and completely …
26 Bramber … hardly deserves the name of a town , having not above fifteen or sixteen families in it , and of them not many above asking you an alms as you ride by ; the chiefest house in the town is a tavern , and hear , as I have been told the vintner , or ale-house keeper , rather , for he hardly deserved the name of a vintner , boasted , that upon an election , just then over , he had made £300 , of one pipe of a canary .
27 I have been told that my knee problem brought the decision .
28 I have been told that in these circumstances it is permissible from an audit point of view to write back debts that are over two years old , notwithstanding the provisions of the Statute of Limitations , giving the creditor the right to demand payment for up to six years .
29 I have been told that your work is unsatisfactory .
30 I have been told that this decision was partly in response to lobbying by feminist groups .
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