Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's obvious that " in BNC.

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1 Lendl smiled and countered : ‘ It would be laughable if I did n't say it because it 's obvious that Wimbledon is my main goal — to pretend otherwise would be wrong . ’
2 It 's obvious that in their heart of hearts the Japanese do n't really trust calculators .
3 It 's obvious that Morrissey has a lot to say and if people were n't ready to listen then they would n't be so successful .
4 Here it 's obvious that money has been well spent on things that the animals actually need and use , with natural materials — and yet the public still gets a beautiful enclosure with good viewing facilities . ’
5 From their recent single Weed Bus — a bastard offspring of The Stones ' The Last Time — and from the whole of their nineteen-track debut album ‘ Mexican R'n'B ’ , it 's obvious that The Stairs have mastered The Kinks ' grungy guitar sound , a yowling Jaggeresque vocal and the Beatles ' patented minor/major chord shift .
6 ‘ You see , after you 've played something live , time after time , it 's obvious that you just end up doing it better .
7 It 's obvious that bands like The Sisters Of Mercy and Fields Of The Nephilim have taken various things from The Birthday Party .
8 Although Sustad has the reputation of a formidable Himalayan climber , it 's obvious that these big-wall climbs mean a lot to him .
9 Gary said : ‘ It 's obvious that people want him in the England team . ’
10 It 's obvious that the people who buy and read the paper care as passionately about music ( and much else beyond ) as we do and are unwilling to let us , or anyone else , off the hook lightly .
11 With the wisdom of hindsight it 's obvious that Mark Ring , who in his Pontypool days looked as if he might be the answer to all our no.10 prayers , was unfit and a liability in the match against Australia .
12 He wonders why Thorneycroft was pulled out of the student squad and Pepper was not when it 's obvious that openside flanker is a position where England have strength in depth whereas not on the wing .
13 But it 's obvious that the sudden appearance of money in his pocket and his death are linked and we want to find out how .
14 Er in my opinion at this particular time we must bear in mind the financial constraints that we work under and er would the board agree with me that erm survival comes first yes but it 's obvious that the programme that we 've er had put forward is a good compromise between preferred in the arts , maintaining the theatre as a viable proposition and er entertaining the people of this particular part of the world because as I understand it this theatre was not just the artist also an entertainment centre and it 's in this area that er it 's quite obvious when you look into the figures on this area the popular area that the majority income comes so you 'll have to make a compromise and I will congratulate the board on what I think is pretty reasonable compromise so it 's quite obvious in the programme .
15 Now if you 're talking about filling the seats it 's obvious that the people in Harlow like that type of thing so why do n't we have more of it . .
16 Coming to Old Gang Smelting Mills we stopped to look for a while at the most complete collection of buildings still standing in the mining field , although comparing them now with photographs taken in the 1930s it 's obvious that they 're slowly falling apart .
17 It 's obvious that he 's been sent some kind of message , and I believe in these things .
18 That is one minute of poetry , and it 's obvious that the children are happy .
19 It 's obvious that Jenner only used the insulin project to further his own work . ’
20 Quite funny that — I mean it 's obvious that deep down he thinks he 's jolly good-looking !
21 Hand over all keys and gold rings etc to the police — especially , if it 's obvious that they are recent losses .
22 So it 's obvious that the most medieval aspects of that reactionary Them are going to try to close it up .
23 Although occasionally slipping into the realms of standard speedcore and generally tackling some well worn lyrical subjects , it 's obvious that Sofa Head are intrepid explorers venturing into unchartered waters .
24 And it 's obvious that he 's made a start with the clunch pit murder ; but that is n't noted either .
25 From what we learned the first evening we were here , Rose is very well heeled and it 's obvious that by sharing her home , Dora enjoys a lot of luxuries she could never afford by herself .
26 It 's obvious that this is all fresh , probably done this morning .
27 It 's obvious that what God said to Noah would have seemed extremely odd ; build a huge boat in a country far away from any substantial water .
28 But then Florian Jones is your one great weakness , I suppose , since it 's obvious that you have n't learnt a thing in the years since you first got involved with him .
29 But i It 's obvious that you 've always y gone in for quite stylish displays of your fruit too have n't you ?
30 ‘ But since it 's obvious that I do n't have a bloody army at my back you can take me directly to the Countess , or the Sheriff of Gloucester , if he 's here . ’
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