Example sentences of "[pers pn] would go to " in BNC.

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1 I would go to Rome ; Rome , where I had spent so many happy days in the past , would be my final resting place .
2 The editor had kindly accepted an article I had written about West Indian gospel music , so I thought I would go to the head office and introduce myself .
3 I would go to sleep .
4 I would go to France , and there make enquiries at the Ministière de la Défence Nationale in Paris .
5 Instead I would go to Amantani in Lake Titicaca , reputedly a quiet , touristless island , to try to reconstruct what I could of my journal and other writings .
6 I would go to Norwich and bring her myself .
7 I had to agree to do so , and it was arranged that I would go to the Taibach house the following Sunday afternoon .
8 He was convinced that if he tried hard enough and often enough I would go to bed with him .
9 I would go to the Marché aux puces .
10 I explained that I would go to the Lyceum today .
11 While he was in opposition , Ted Heath had asked me if I would go to Rhodesia on behalf of the Conservative Party if they were returned to power .
12 Now Mr Jaggers turned to me and told me that on Monday I would go to Matthew Pocket 's house to start my studies , but until then I would stay with his son , Herbert , who lived nearby .
13 So I put very little energy into my criminal case partly because I did n't think I would go to prison , and certainly not for more than a month or two .
14 If they gave me a first , I would go to Cambridge .
15 None the less I had found the evening reassuring and felt no difficulty in saying that I was sorry but I was suddenly most awfully tired and if no one minded I thought I would go to bed .
16 When Grandmother was alive , I would go to the church services held in the schoolroom in Baldersdale because Grandma was Church of England .
17 So I thought as we 've still got the biggest guarantee I would go to it .
18 I would go to my chamber on the same gallery as poor Cosmas and , of course , notice something was wrong .
19 I agreed , thinking I would go to the police later .
20 After I had my tea I would go to bed .
21 ‘ If I were you , I would go to the conference centre itself and ask to see someone in security .
22 Well if I could choose I would go to bed at about two o'clock in the morning and get up at about ten o'clock in the morning .
23 I du n no if I would go to one now .
24 The whole house sat down after the Rosary one evening to pick the hospital she would go to .
25 She would go to the far side and we would watch each other .
26 I only had to think about asking her to go to bed when , rather reluctantly , she would go to her box under the kitchen table .
27 She would go to her room and take off her skirt and blouse and lie down on the bed .
28 She would go to the mortuary when she woke up , she told herself .
29 She would go to the supermarket to buy the food , she would cook , she would clean the house and then she would help my father with the cows .
30 She pinned all her hopes on the following morning when , she had already determined , she would go to the plateau again .
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