Example sentences of "[pers pn] were [adv] trying " in BNC.

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1 In the early stages we started off with perhaps Minor schools which could almost have been Major ones , because you were just trying to find any school that had got some kind of life , or interest , or things happening … really in many ways it was rather a matter of chance because of the way it happened at the time .
2 You would n't be able to write anything with any merit at all if you were constantly trying to portray certain groups in a favourable light . ’
3 Please remember in these early days — and I am talking before we really started the bomber offensive — we were just trying to halt the mass of Germans who were rolling through Holland and Belgium .
4 Erm , then I think it probably had us confused for a while , whilst we were just trying to decide who should do writing and who should do what , but then I decided I 'd chose two people , and then we started cutting things out so then that , that went okay then .
5 And so we were panicking a bit , because we were just trying to get there , but apart from that , I think it went okay .
6 It was hardly surprising that this was the case , and it did n't stop me from giving interviews , but they seemed so far removed from what we were actually trying to do .
7 We were always trying to be creative and to shock ! ’
8 and everybody was clamouring to know how much they were going to get and er we were always trying to head them off by saying that er , theirs was next on the list and er
9 All this time we were still trying to fix up Denmark Street so that it became vaguely comfortable .
10 I had never seen anything so fearsome and kept well back until he despatched the beast ; which seemed to take hours , and several hours later we were still trying to untangle Ian 's line .
11 We were still trying to go IFR , since the cloudbase looked low over the valley route to the coast .
12 But others looked as though they were desperately trying to find a way out , gazing to the ceiling deep in thought .
13 They were probably trying to blow up the bridge .
14 They were slowly trying to destroy him .
15 I finally realized something was up because people were yelling at me — I thought they were just trying to get on but then I realized what was up , and I hit the button again .
16 ‘ We were trying to play rugby and they were just trying to spoil . ’
17 They were also trying too hard , Maria realised quite soon , and she thought Luke was equally aware of it .
18 The British architects of the original partition did not see it , 70 years ago , as a supporting wall for the new Irish state they were hurriedly trying to build .
19 They were perhaps trying to ‘ better themselves ’ .
20 Young nomes filled the control-room , where they were industriously trying to press buttons .
21 Because everybody in that meeting was thinking about blaming other people they were actually trying to say it 's not my fault that thing come in , it 's not my fault that things are like this , it 's somebody else 's fault in a different organisation .
22 The enlightened bureaucrats who were primarily responsible for drawing up the legislation of 1861 may not have achieved everything for which they were striving , but they were undoubtedly trying to achieve more than the modernization of the gentry 's sources of income or the revivification of the state machine .
23 Despite some discussion of possible links with the United States in certain Middle Eastern questions , they were jealously trying to exclude American influence from their African empire .
24 And so far as the local issue was concerned , of course it 's the issue of tertiary education and erm this was erm a question of erm the particular Governors and parents who wanted to opt out erm doing what the Iraquis are doing with their aeroplanes and they were basically trying to fly Banbury School to a neutral country ; the idea being that erm as soon as the procedure for opting out started the Local Education Authority would not be able to use any of erm Banbury School 's land or premises in part of its plans for tertiary education in Banbury , so it was really an attempt to neutralize Banbury School .
25 By dredging up gravel , therefore , river managers were actually de-stabilizing the river bed , thereby contributing to the erosion which they were supposedly trying to prevent .
26 We felt very sorry for both young people , for they were genuinely trying to find work and were getting very dispirited .
27 ‘ It was n't a case of the other children letting her win — they were really trying to beat her and they could n't . ’
28 yeah , actual , you know , shops that and erm , there 's these two guys together and they were really trying to intimidate me , I mean like , big stuff .
29 I could n't imagine Ted contemplating the nature of Eva and Dad 's taut happiness or telling of how they were always trying to pull each other 's tracksuit bottoms down and playing games like seeing who could throw a lolly-stick in a bin the most times out of ten .
30 When the apostles wrote letters to their friends and colleagues they were always trying to pass on words of encouragement and the people who received these letters regarded them as precious sources of information , that is why many of the letters of Paul or John or Peter have been carefully guarded and handed down to ourselves .
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