Example sentences of "[pers pn] are [adv] found " in BNC.

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1 They are rarely found on inland waters , although , since it is established that some of our winter visitors migrate over the interior of the county , such records are likely from time to time .
2 Wasters , as old Sam once said , ‘ are their own worst enemies , though they are generally found amongst the ranks of those who rail at the injustices of the world . ’
3 They are generally found living on fish body tissues but merely for attachment purposes , actually filter-feeding on surrounding debris and organic matter .
4 Have alternative lighting ready for emergencies : a torch with a battery that works , candles , tapers and matches , in a place where they are easily found .
5 Whether or not they are easily found
6 They are normally found on the plant , exposed as with caterpillars , or concealed , like sawfly and tortrix larvae .
7 They are normally found to be divided into two very unequal parts .
8 They are also found in the top levels of local government , the health service and privatised industries .
9 The sizes of these crystallites are small relative to the length of a fully extended polymer chain , but they are also found to be independent of the molar mass and rarely exceed 1 to 100 nm .
10 It was in this role that he removed the relics of the Three Wise Men from Milan , and placed them in Cologne Cathedral , where they are still found to this day .
11 Indeed , black workers had originally been brought in in times of labour shortage and ended up doing the kinds of ‘ dead end ’ jobs which allowed white workers to set their sights higher — to a great extent they are still found in these same jobs .
12 Generally , it is thought that because they are disproportionately found in the hard to let properties , that they will have neither the means nor the desire to buy .
13 The Norber Boulders are erratics , having no right by birth to be in the place where they are now found .
14 If trees or solid gate posts are not available — and they are seldom found in the right places — strong artificial anchorages must be provided .
15 They are often found where hard corals have largely died out as a result of one of the above processes .
16 They have generally been found by the chance of fieldwork and aerial reconnaissance and many are awaiting discovery ; when they are studied in detail they are often found to be much larger than thought at first , covering areas , in some cases , of over 100 acres .
17 " 1 The survey remarked of girls under 14 that " they are often found to save expense by that unremunerative and often heavy task of helping mother about the house " , and " small girls are naturally useful as nurses " for their younger brothers and sisters . "
18 The second type can be dull to ride , but are suitable for novices as they will not react to conflicting aids , which is why they are often found in riding schools .
19 Looms are most frequently indicated by loom-weights , annular in form , for weighing down the warp threads on upright looms ; they are occasionally found in rows in the base of sunken buildings where they may have fallen or been taken off the loom , or originally stacked in a column .
20 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
21 They are usually found in town centres and shopping precincts .
22 Elsewhere they are usually found together ; the southernmost record is from Barn Island ( 62°41 'S ) , Terra Firma Islands , Marguerite Bay ( Smith and Poncet , 1985 ) .
23 The egg production of the worms is so high that there is no need to use flotation methods , and they are readily found in simple faecal smears to which a drop of water has been added .
24 Though his list and its implications have been largely ignored by writers on the Muftilik , apart from a passing nod from Mustakimzade , his view was adopted directly , indirectly or independently by Hezarfen , d'Ohsson and Hammer , and echoes of it are occasionally found in other authors .
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