Example sentences of "[pers pn] are [verb] nothing " in BNC.

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1 You are to say nothing .
2 At first he 'll be confident : you are saying nothing because you have nothing to say — he 's got you beat .
3 It does good , though you feel nothing , see nothing , yes , even though you are doing nothing .
4 The handsome young fisherman Pablo had joined them in the café , and now he said , ‘ Señorita , you are doing nothing today .
5 This is great proof that we are hiding nothing . ’
6 These elements provide the " opera " with authenticity and a resonance which suggests that we are viewing nothing less than the destiny of the human race in the 20th century , and afterwards .
7 They still do not concede that we are doing nothing to force any GP to spend less time with his patients .
8 Not all meat and dairy products are produced intensively and Singer seems to allow that it we are confident that ours came from animals humanely bred and slaughtered then we are doing nothing wrong in eating it .
9 We are doing nothing of the sort .
10 Meanwhile , large supermarkets are defying the law by opening on Sundays and abusing society in almost everything they do , but we are doing nothing about it .
11 One said : ‘ We are saying nothing until all the details have been finalised . ’
12 But in years 4 and 5 , the years that in other schools would be devoted to working for the GCSE with continuously assessed course-work , and when the TVEI scheme would also be introduced , we are told nothing whatever about examinations , only that the pupils will not have a wide choice of subjects .
13 We are told nothing about the heir he instituted .
14 About Thomas , however , we are told nothing .
15 A further £300m is going on pension increases for widows and an improved scheme for current workers but they are getting nothing .
16 They are taught nothing about helping people to die .
17 Many are those who believe they are munching the famed Grey Burgundy snails , picked from the soft , green hills of France when in fact , they are swallowing nothing less than imported slugs , many from the Far East !
18 The more games they play the more likely they are to win nothing .
19 When young supporters chant ‘ We 'll be running round Pompey with our willies hanging out , singing I 've got a bigger one than you ’ , or some other scatological rhyme , slightly changed to fit the time and place , they are doing nothing new .
20 just as there are too many people who feel guilty if they are doing nothing , there are far too many who seem to feel guilty if they are joyful .
21 The youths studied — and you might like to consider the extent to which their experiences and expectations are commonplace — and are aware that in their leisure time they are doing nothing , are bored with it .
22 However , most subjects reported that they are doing nothing to avoid TB exposure , and many of those who report doing something are taking precautions that are not likely to be effective .
23 ‘ We have people here who are QCs and clergymen and they feel they have to be very careful , although they are doing nothing wrong . ’
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