Example sentences of "[pers pn] he 'd [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The last time I saw him he 'd been drinking pretty heavily and he pushed me about a bit .
2 Vernon told him he 'd been taken home in a chauffeur-driven car .
3 Very little apart from his outward appearance , and when he had n't been teasing her he 'd been carelessly kind to her when they met .
4 He told her he 'd been married once , long ago , but had been so bitterly hurt that , although he loved women , could n't live without them , he had never been prepared to trust his life to one ever again .
5 ‘ He did tell me he 'd been to the house , ’ I said .
6 I found some brandy and it steadied him a bit … and then he told me he 'd been to Angy 's flat and found her dead . ’
7 He told me he applied but I thought he told me he 'd been turned down .
8 The lad next to me he 'd been three times !
9 But he did n't tell me he 'd been going out with her for three weeks and he 's never .
10 He told me he 'd been to .
11 Zen had told them he 'd been involved in a traffic accident , which had got a good laugh all round when it emerged that he was from Venice .
12 We were not reassured when a solitary American tourist travelling on the same flight told us he 'd been on this very plane on a previous flight , and they found petrol pouring down the window before take-off , and had to do some repair work on it .
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