Example sentences of "[pers pn] was time to take " in BNC.

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1 It was time to take Bella back home .
2 After two weeks out in the desert it was time to take stock .
3 Mum sat at the end nearest the wall , then my two sisters , whilst I sat next to Dad , who took the outside seat ready for a quick get-away when it was time to take the collection .
4 It was time to take a few weeks off — no more — but that allowed time for reflection on the year .
5 When Davies converted a penalty three minutes into the second half , Oxford realised that it was time to take matters into their own hands .
6 Nevertheless , it was time to take a little precautionary measure .
7 AFTER all of the excitement of the last two weekends in June it was time to take a break .
8 It was time to take an interest in the wildlife at a lower level in this spectacular valley .
9 I realised that it was time to take back control over my children 's lives and I joined the city wide anti-dampness campaign instead .
10 Lachlan Watt had been about to leave Hamish and Antonia 's party when Fergus had fallen over and Fiona had decided it was time to take her husband home ; she had offered Lachy a lift back to his brother 's house , but when they 'd got there Fergus had seemed fast asleep , snoring loudly and taking no apparent notice of Fiona shaking him and shouting at him ; Lachy had volunteered to come back to the castle to help get Fergus out of the car and upstairs to bed ; Fiona would run Lachy back afterwards .
11 The dog lobby had clearly felt it was time to take action .
12 At 75 years of age also decided it was time to take things a little easier and retired on after 13 years with the company .
13 But in the present case it was time to take a stand , to declare once and for all that on this occasion at least the truth was as obvious and evident as it appeared to be .
14 After nine years exploring a new operation for large bowel disease we considered that it was time to take stock and objectively evaluate the merit of restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis , familial adenomatous polyposis , and functional bowel disorders .
15 His narrow escape at Petit-Clamart finally convinced the General that it was time to take action to meet both dangers at once .
16 Later , when it was time to take Eddie back to school , Louise had kissed him at the gate and his father had walked up to the main door with him .
17 As I had already been rock-climbing I decided it was time to take part in the activity which I had been looking forward to , canoeing !
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