Example sentences of "[pers pn] step [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As expected , I found Prince Charles very easy to talk with and we had quite an informal chat , mostly about boats of course , before I stepped backwards along the red carpet with my medal pinned on .
2 I stepped away from him towards the wall .
3 I stepped carefully over the city wall , which was less than a metre high , and walked slowly through the two main streets .
4 I step forward on Laverne 's behalf .
5 I step away from the front door into the floodlight and realise that the dogs are n't round the back .
6 Sun streams into the upstairs room as I step gingerly through a maze of wires and find a corner to sit in amidst the jungle of electronic equipment .
7 She saw sacks of meal and gleaming dates , boxes of over-ripe figs with the seeds oozing out , and she stepped carefully over a stream of something unthinkable that ran down the centre of the street .
8 She stepped carefully from her platform to the first foothold and put her hand in his .
9 He held her gaze as she stepped briskly past him .
10 As she stepped away from the wardrobe she felt the moisture between her legs .
11 And then he said something facetious , and she stepped away from him .
12 When the band stopped they were both on a tide of pleasure ; yet , she stepped away from him as though evading her share in the pleasure .
13 Then she stepped away from him , fearful of her own weakness and afraid that if he kissed her she would dissolve into a quivering jelly that would melt from sheer ecstasy .
14 And as she stepped forward into the room , he stepped backwards into the yard and , raising his hat he again said , ‘ Well , good afternoon , ’ to which she also replied , ‘ Good afternoon . ’
15 And when he held out his arms to her she stepped forward into his embrace , knowing full well she would only attract more interested looks if she refused .
16 She stepped forward on tiptoe and whispered in his ear .
17 She stepped forward to the window again and looked down from her turret , whence she had the view of a seagull , on to the sweep of snow , blanketing terrace and steps and lawn , rolling on white and smooth to the ruff of black shrubs on the lochside , and then beyond that the grey water , still as glass , gleaming like steel .
18 ‘ Perhaps I can help you , ’ the young woman said , and she stepped forward onto the terrace planking .
19 She stepped forward in a manner that was so delicate it was repulsive .
20 She stepped right in my face .
21 She stepped aside into the doorway of the next room while Luch drifted out and down the stair .
22 At the one-way door that led back into the station 's tiny foyer and reception area , she stepped aside for him and said , ‘ I hope you find her . ’
23 The lift was thankfully free and she stepped blindly into it , blinking so that she could find the right button to push .
24 He held the door open for her , and she stepped quickly through it .
25 He reached for her and she stepped nimbly behind a chair .
26 She stepped inside to a chequered marble floor , swept clean and neat , with flowers on the table .
27 Her tall , slender form was tightly swathed in a pink dress and she stepped warily across the uneven boards on white sandals with heels so high and narrow it seemed barely possible that they could support a human being .
28 As she stepped further into the boatyard , she thought : I hope you can hear me , Pascoe , and I hope you can see me clearly from the tree , because I can smell the tiger .
29 You dirty so-and-so , you stepped right in my face . ’
30 ‘ If you are here , Mildred , ’ said Miss Hardbroom , ‘ I would advise you to step forward at once and explain yourself . ’
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