Example sentences of "[pers pn] tend [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The animals within them are therefore extremely vulnerable , mainly because the populations within them tend to be too small for safety .
2 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
3 I tend to be rather disorganised when packing gear , so anything that helps me keep things in the right place has got to be a bonus .
4 I tend to be guilty of deviating from the subject matter , this being tantamount to stealing the thunder from the individual under scrutiny .
5 ( 1 ) B : I must say I tend to be
6 You can change the tension on either or both of the carriages , though I tend to be lazy and change only one !
7 Unless it is an easy switch-on or switch-off I tend to be lost .
8 I tend to be a little formal because you 're my boss . ’
9 ‘ She 's a real feisty northern woman and that was nice for me because although I 've done a lot of different work , because of my television work , I tend to be thought of as the rather middle-class , bouncy , girl next door type .
10 I tended to be real critical . ’
11 It is important that the senior management is briefed to be as open as possible at such meetings , otherwise the value of them tends to be diminished .
12 You know that you tend to be bronchial .
13 If you tend to be a ‘ hard-liner ’ , you will be attracted to punishment as a way of controlling people 's behaviour .
14 If it rains when you are driving , you tend to be drenched by the time the hood has been erected and are the laughing stock of every MX-5 driver in the neighbourhood .
15 If you tend to be inaccurate off the tee , remember that a tailwind usually reduces the effects of side spin on the ball so here 's your opportunity for the long drive .
16 DECEMBER may be a hard-working month when you tend to be carrying more than your share of responsibilities .
17 In group meetings , if you tend to be hesitant then get in early with your proposal .
18 ‘ The other thing is that wherever you go , restaurants or hotels , you tend to be met with a nice smile , because if people have laughed at you , they have warm feelings towards you — there 's no question about it .
19 You tend to be rather poorly which is why they 've given you the blood transfusion .
20 Alright so you tend to be at work .
21 I know that you tend to be inundated with questionnaires but hope you will agree that this is a vital area of concern and will help us find ways of reaching new ways of assisting young people in and into sport .
22 Thinking about the various stages you go through and then once you 've reached the level of department managers at , on a lot of issues you tend to be at this stage but it 's important to remember that a number of your staff may be down here somewhere .
23 Well one of the problems you see , i if you are perceived as one of the best , you tend to be in the top three or four or so on , you know , the , the people know who you are , but when you are perceived as being the , you know , that sort of effort you sort of find it , find it pretty difficult .
24 Well , I did , or you tend to be , you used to be Claire , when you used to wax your legs .
25 Self-confident , yet cautious , she tends to be a loner .
26 And it is interesting , as Toril Moi ( 1985 ) points out , that in her discussion of literature , Millett concentrates almost wholly on male authors , with the exception of Charlotte Bronte , of whose work she tends to be very dismissive .
27 She tends to be
28 She tends to be seen as bossy and interfering — a favourite target of comedians and a figure of fun on seaside postcards .
29 If in doubt over the value of the answers provided , would n't you tend to be generous to the candidate whose work is neat and tidy and easy to follow ?
30 She tended to be over-indulgent with Victoria , partly because she could see herself in the child and partly too , in some perverse fashion , to make up for what she considered to be her own harsh upbringing under Jonadab 's strict rules .
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