Example sentences of "[pers pn] explain to i " in BNC.

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1 Could you explain to me a little bit more when you said that erm a married woman could n't be a tenant .
2 Could you explain to me , please , what Dr. Lorrimer was doing here last night ?
3 ‘ There is a matter here which I will ask you to explain to me , although it is of no particular consequence to your situation .
4 So he said erm I said to the woman I went to the court this morning so he said when you explain to me he said I 've got money in my pockets cos I borrowed it from dad tha he said I owed sixty two pound so he said I said to the woman in the court how can I pay this the sixty two pounds when you 've frozen my account ?
5 She paced up and down the tiny room while I sat on her bed , and she explained to me that McIllvanney had been approached by a client who had apparently seen Ellen and authorised McIllvanney to offer her the money .
6 But I must admit I really had a go at one nonce and felt so guilty afterwards , after she explained to me what had happened .
7 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
8 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
9 Er , she explained to me a case she had analyzed where she , Anna Freud , was quite certain that some of the symptoms of the woman she was analyzing went back to infantile masturbation .
10 I have also had it explained to me by other feminists campaigning for equality of treatment of wives under social security laws , that their concern was only with the wives of claimants , not of company directors — thus accepting the DHSS principle that wives should be means tested on their husbands ' resources , regardless of the extent of their access to them .
11 He entered , as he explained to me later , what Carl Jung would probably have described as ‘ the middle period ’ .
12 He explained to me that the interview had been cancelled on the order of his superiors — and he was himself the head librarian !
13 By the end of that season , when he won his first championship by a large margin , I had little doubt who had achieved the triumph : Niki is no braggart , but in the first of many longish talks , he explained to me that his nature was such that he really just could n't stand the second-rate ; and if you saw the second-rate around you , you had a clear choice — either you cleared out and found yourself the first-rate or you simply demanded that second-rate people became first-rate .
14 He explained to me that it must be stronger because it contained stronger bonds and more of them than any previous material .
15 It was this background knowledge that influenced the way in which Phil Barlow , the deputy head responsible for the curriculum , perceived the post and the appointment , as he explained to me :
16 The point was — as he explained to me throughout that autumn and the winter that followed — to understand that habit was ritual , and ritual was habit .
17 No no it 's not , he explained to me exactly what I had to do , before he went .
18 Simon 's the cat , ’ he explained to me .
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