Example sentences of "[pers pn] walk into [art] " in BNC.

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1 I walk into a dance rehearsal as a well-adjusted 44-year-old woman holding on to my valiums and the hope that I 'm growing old gracefully , and I walk out a 19-year-old hooligan with purple hair extensions , leopard-skin cycling shorts , black lip-gloss and the word ‘ menopause ’ blocked out of my consciousness .
2 I walk into the village and choose a restaurant .
3 It looks healthy and comes to the top of the tank , as usual when I walk into the room .
4 I walk into the terminal thinking , Well , at least there is n't that smell of sewage around you sometimes get when you arrive in dear old Embra ; I 'm not sure I could handle that right now .
5 I walk into the room .
6 I walk into the water smiling at him through tears .
7 I do n't know , I walk into the branch , and people see me and go so what do I do ?
8 I got that while I was playing with a band in Houston , Texas ; I walked into a store , saw it on the wall and just flipped .
9 About two-and-a-half years later I walked into a small clothes shop to see the celebrity holding court .
10 I knew I had arrived in Rugby League the day I walked into a bar in the Australian snowfields and a twelve-year-old boy came up to ask me , ‘ Why did you pick Souths to beat Balmain ? ’
11 On the other hand , there was something unbeatably creepy about the time I walked into a man 's bathroom at the very beginning of an affair and saw a bottle of ‘ scruffing lotion ’ by his basin .
12 Someone who would smile when I walked into a room , look pleased that I had come home — not because they wanted something from me , but because I was me .
13 I walked into a door . ’
14 I do n't think I 'd want it in the house , it might be confusing if I walked into a gloomy room with it
15 ‘ If I walked into a Catholic school they 'd all look at me funny and shout ‘ Proddy ! ’
16 I walked into the college cinema to find the tutor watching the film on his own .
17 He 's such a huge star now that I was actually nervous when I walked into the studio with him . ’
18 I walked into the cafeteria and sat down with them .
19 I walked into the town feeling like a pirate or Border robber descending upon capon-fed middlemen , moneylenders , retired or expecting to retire .
20 I walked into the library .
21 The nurse called my name ; I walked into the consulting room , flashing a worn , mechanical smile , but feeling as if I was walking onto the stage at the National without my trousers .
22 At the hotel I paid him in cash with a bonus and sent him on his way , and was in time to see Filmer 's backview receding into a dark-looking bar as I walked into the big central hall lobby .
23 I 'm not sure why I walked into the trees .
24 ‘ When I walked into the studio Blixa had his body miked up and they were punching him to get a bass drum beat .
25 On my sixteenth birthday I walked into the house with a fag in every orifice ; I was legally old enough to smoke , so , I thought , just try and stop me !
26 The next morning ( Sunday ) I walked into the valley of the Laguna Grande de Gredos , heading for the Elola Refuge to join the rescue team , and was heartened by the sight of a helicopter floating between the menacing crags overlooking a serene glacial lake .
27 His first day in 1924 watching his county , Sussex , convinced him that there is no greater moment than a big hit : ‘ As I walked into the ground a ball came bouncing off the Town Hall roof and nearly hit me on the head .
28 I walked into the dressing room and saw Graham Eadie .
29 But I met one girl by accident when I walked into the hostel one night and she was visiting another girl there .
30 So I walked into the room , told her our relationship was over , and challenged her lover to fight me .
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