Example sentences of "[pers pn] decide that i " in BNC.

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1 The station cafe was still open so I decided that I might as well go in there .
2 I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
3 It is all up to you — and I decided that I was never going to say anything to her because I had done it all on my own .
4 This was the day when I decided that I 'd had enough .
5 ‘ In any case , whatever you both felt , I decided that I could not possibly accept these things .
6 I decided that I liked Krems , and suddenly understood what it was had attracted W. H. Auden to live in rural Austria — its high camp !
7 As Leslie was the only officer in the missing plane ( ironically the transport aircraft was a Stirling — the same name as his birthplace ) , I decided that I must take the lead among the families .
8 . I decided that I did not want to stay until the moment of his death , I wanted to remember him living … but I decided that I wanted to stay just to ensure that he was in a deep peaceful sleep , that he was n't going to suffer … and that 's what I did .
9 . I decided that I did not want to stay until the moment of his death , I wanted to remember him living … but I decided that I wanted to stay just to ensure that he was in a deep peaceful sleep , that he was n't going to suffer … and that 's what I did .
10 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
11 When I heard about Elsie 's foot I decided that I wanted to write about her to explore how she coped with her disability .
12 I decided that I had not come all this way only to indulge in polite conversation .
13 Near the sea there is a little park which has open-air cafés in it and I decided that I would go along there and read your letter while I relaxed with a cup of coffee .
14 At that moment I decided that I was not going to answer questions about her origins or discuss Shanti in any way in front of her .
15 Eventually I decided that I 'd had enough .
16 While I was at Fender I decided that I was going to start my own company , and in 1983 went ahead with Metaltronix .
17 ‘ I had every intention of becoming a pianist or conductor but in a great flash of realisation I decided that I would only ever be a mediocre musician and went off to study drama . ’
18 However , as a ‘ courageous ’ cut and sewer , as well as being a past owner of a Brother Electronic with garter carriage which casts off automatically , I decided that I would never go back to a latch tool cast off and that it was a waste of time in any case if I was intending to cut the fabric !
19 I decided that I did n't have to go out .
20 An anonymous teacher writing in Time Out said : ‘ I decided that I had to get out of teaching when , walking down the corridor , I heard myself screaming ‘ Tie ! ’ ’ at some kid I did n't even know .
21 At that time I believed that the United Kingdom would be facing severe economic problems in the future , and I decided that I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community , and make a contribution to the resolution of those problems .
22 I decided that I needed to get some support , to find someone who could , let us say , take charge of me and give me advice .
23 We 're talking about 1970 , 69–70 , and I decided that I liked this kind of … .
24 At age seven I decided that I wanted to be a soldier , after I had watched a TV programme about the D-Day landings .
25 I decided that I could find space for a few really large trees and decided to stock fence in front of the spinney and put in an oak and two beech and three ash well away from the fence .
26 I decided that I should ask a friend for a loan of his electronic pH meter to find out the exact difference between the two tanks .
27 I mean , I felt that , it made me worse as well , by going to them and I decided that I would never go back to them again , you know .
28 It came to something like 60 hours and I decided that I could share it between two people .
29 Today I decided that I would organize a little party tomorrow night .
30 Then , in the same tone , in fact I decided that I want to marry you .
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