Example sentences of "[pers pn] begin to look for " in BNC.

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1 So I began to look for a husband .
2 I began to look for her .
3 After I had written my letter of acceptance to Bedford I began to look for digs nearer the university : I was determined to show some independence .
4 She began to look for a university job outside Cambridge .
5 Wearily , she began to look for them all over the theatre .
6 A.J. Wickens , K.C. and other prominent citizens made up the Board of Directors and we began to look for commercial advertisers .
7 The next day we began to look for work .
8 This needed some clarification before we began to look for an answer .
9 They began to look for more drink and the Junior showed his initiative by going up to the off-licence with the Porter and bringing back armfuls of the stuff .
10 Within the Labour Party the Socialist League was finding that its attempts to remould policy were resented and rejected and it began to look for allies outside the Party .
11 He began to look for a safe stance for the night …
12 His pacifism was couched in the violent language of subversion and revolution , and long before 1917 he began to look for a distinctive Scottish way out of the war .
13 He began to look for a job .
14 But it was when he began finding the 26 mile 385 yard distance — which he can complete in two hours and 57 minutes — ‘ about right for starters ’ , that he began to look for a new challenge .
15 De Gaulle 's interest in this reform picked up noticeably in the spring of 1962 , as he began to look for ways of heading off parliamentary moves to reduce his role .
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