Example sentences of "[pers pn] may simply be " in BNC.

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1 With the junction box method of wiring , you may simply be able to re-use the cable for the new light fitting .
2 At other times you may simply be looking for a good story with situations and characters which will interest and entertain your students .
3 Or she may simply be trying to snub President Cory Aquino , who refuses to allow Marcos back , even through he is dead ; and has barred Imelda too .
4 She may simply be sitting down there contentedly having a good meal , or sleeping one off .
5 We may simply be afraid , and the horse picks it up too .
6 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
7 These techniques may be the conscious application of ideas which have been subjected to previous appraisal and are therefore the realization of principles , or they may simply be a set of more or less formulaic activities sanctioned not by appraisal but by the approval of authority .
8 BABIES who suddenly become bad-tempered and restless may not be sick — they may simply be suffering growing pains .
9 Or they may simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time .
10 Some groups of signs on the Phaistos Disc are repeated ; these may be refrains , suggesting a song or hymn , or they may simply be recurring words .
11 Deuchar notes that : ‘ In spontaneous speech , sentences are often difficult to delimit : they may simply be unfinished , because the knowledge of the addressee makes completion unnecessary , or they may not be discernible as units at all . ’
12 Ideological preferences are similarly of little use , since they may simply be the way in which politicians present their views in order to gain public acceptance .
13 Often they result from particularly stressful circumstances but they may simply be a moment of carelessness .
14 It may simply be a normal problem which a minor tackle or bait adjustment can deal with .
15 For the present , it may simply be observed that Szekeres and Sbytov had omitted to include these cases .
16 It may be that the patient feels gratified by someone taking his or her illness seriously , or it may simply be the power of suggestion — because they feel they are being offered a cure , they actually begin to get better .
17 On this basis , if one meal is eaten and the dish emptied , and then the next meal is refused , it may simply be that the cat is not yet ready for its next ‘ kill ’ .
18 It may simply be that more people are taking advantage of higher social security benefits to spend more time searching for suitable jobs .
19 If it happened more this time , it may simply be that , with a higher-than-average turnout ( sunny weather , and so on ) , more people who normally would n't have bothered to vote , did so — and such half-hearted democrats are precisely the ones unlikely to have filled in the form .
20 For example , if a company occupies a self-contained building then it may simply be looking at sub-letting a surplus floor or floors to achieve its objective .
21 If you think that these approaches will make matters worse , it may simply be better to ask for a transfer or move to new pastures .
22 The reason for this trans-cultural similarity of language is not known ; it may simply be that ‘ m ’ is the easiest of all the consonants to produce .
23 It may simply be the result of little domestic refuse being left around the farm ; cereals may not have been processed there , or , if they were , not in a place likely to have resulted in their being burnt and therefore preserved .
24 It may simply be used as a taunt which is deemed provocative and so portrayed as one of several triggering actions for the killing .
25 It may simply be a fundamental divergence of attitude .
26 With Summer 's Last Will it may simply be , as Christopher Palmer suggests in his notes , that its moment , its ‘ right time ’ , has come at last .
27 It may simply be said that it is just a ‘ fact ’ that Jesus was male , and that therefore priests should be . )
28 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
29 Foregrounding may be QUALITATIVE , ie deviation from the language code itself — a breach of some rule or convention of English — or it may simply be QUANTITATIVE , ie deviance from some expected frequency .
30 It may simply be inefficiency at this level , but it could be worse .
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