Example sentences of "[pers pn] could say [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thérèse 's first word was Rose , and by the time she was eighteen months old she could say cow , apple , duck , cake , dog .
2 This was fun ; with any luck she could say goodbye to facials , mud-packs and manicures .
3 Fabia was shaken , but was more intent then on finding out what she could do to help whatever the trouble was , than concerned that it looked as though she could say goodbye to her much looked forward to Czechoslovakian holiday .
4 Come holiday time , Stanley closed the school and was off north quicker than you could say algebra .
5 Whereupon I fell about in my chair at this with an effective simulacrum of sycophancy , then matadored the old charm around in front of him for a few minutes , and before you could say fundador Walt was on his knees begging me for the coup de grâce .
6 Long — well , perhaps not that long-ago , in a drowsy Melbourne suburb called Surrey Hills , where Christmas came but once a year and the rest of the time there was the telly , you could say life was dull .
7 I 'd be a Special Constable before you could say Fuzz .
8 ‘ These are areas where you could say farming was marginal .
9 During the nineteenth century it was de rigueur to think that the Universe was filled with a sort of stuff called the luminiferous aether : disagree with that notion and you could say farewell to your hopes of a professorship .
10 So we could say total , total is three pound sixty or something like that .
11 Even Bevan reckoned that if the Labour Party were to campaign on a programme fully reflecting the aspirations of the rank and file party activists ‘ we could say goodbye to any Labour government being elected again in Britain' .
12 So fraction of a circle fraction of a circle this is going to be one third times three sixty or we could say number of degrees here , fraction of a circle as number of degrees .
13 We could say great-granny was American .
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