Example sentences of "[pers pn] can hardly see " in BNC.

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1 I can hardly see the things on the table in the corner .
2 My mother I can hardly see save as she is now while I am writing .
3 As for the moral angle , I can hardly see that even muscular Christianity can underwrite such a sport .
4 I can hardly see that a mere frigate is going to inconvenience you to all that extent .
5 I can hardly see him , he 's almost invisible .
6 I 'm shaking so hard I can hardly see straight .
7 I can hardly see it anyway , through the mist of my hurt .
8 I can hardly see , but something is thrashing around by the car .
9 I can hardly see him killing Gray .
10 The light may be so poor that I can hardly see anything at all anyway .
11 Erm e even if the erm the new settlement employment allowance was doubled , I can hardly see how twenty five hectares is is is going to prejudice Leeds ' own er economic development plans .
12 ‘ Some days I can hardly see down the road at all and with all these people parking I just ca n't get through .
13 I can hardly see , oh
14 I said to June I can hardly see I 've got that bad a headache .
15 They may be all right to eat but they 're the devil to pick because they 're so small you can hardly see them . ’
16 You can hardly see a thing . "
17 You can hardly see it . ’
18 So your engine 's doing about four thousand revs and it 's geared down like mad and your tanker is just creeping so you can hardly see
19 You can hardly see your hand in front of your face and er I mean there was no way to fight the fire , so I mean all we could do was sort of stand back and look 'cos we were up There was about At that stage there was twenty or thirty of us standing in this north west corner of the platform .
20 It 's just a pity that the castle itself is a little bit indistinct I mean , when you stand away from it you ca n't er you can hardly see the castle there and er , it is an attractive castle , photographed many times but I would just like to see that shown up a little more in the picture .
21 anything , there 's nothing in there which does , just a few er telephone lines er , going across the skyline there but they 're very faint , you can hardly see them , you 've got ta look very closely to see them .
22 But perhaps when you 're lying down on the floor and tied up by little people you can hardly see and do n't believe in , that 's not the best time to start communicating .
23 Well of a reasonable a re Yes I mean they wo n't be so small you can hardly see them
24 She got , same on chairs , all , you can hardly see the suite , 'cos she 's got , she says , and er , I says to her , I says to her , oh it 's nice your suite , in n it .
25 That this is a big paddock , and in the bottom of the right hand corner , if you stand on the road looking at it , there is a triangle of land that is tucked away , that you can hardly see from the roadside , that in my opinion is sufficiently secluded and sufficiently near to other services to allow us to go out to consultation .
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