Example sentences of "[pers pn] can take [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 She was spared having to find a tactful reply , however , when his employer immediately , and unceremoniously , thrust the dog lead at him and instructed , ‘ You can take Azor , I have to go out — I 'll drive Miss Kingsdale to her hotel . ’
2 ‘ If you can take Paul Jones , you will be as high in the estimation of the public as if you had beat the Combined [ i.e. French and Spanish ] Fleets . ’
3 ‘ Well , you can take Donald to the common for his walk and tell the girls you 'll be along to play presently .
4 You can take Richard up cos I 'll take James .
5 I do n't know whether you can take David out to do that way or
6 And we can take Jamila with us . ’
7 Their reasons for adopting this view differed somewhat , but we can take Galileo 's position as not atypical .
8 ‘ Well then , if you do n't think that 's proper , we can take Herbert and Miss Beard , ’ he conceded .
9 Our assets are of high quality , our people are dedicated professionals and I believe , working as a team , we can take LASMO to new heights in the future .
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