Example sentences of "[pers pn] would make [be] " in BNC.

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1 Well , i i if I , the , on one of the comments I 'd make is that it 's the only time I 've ever known the accounting profession to do businessmen a favour by forcing them to face up to what the costs of the consequences of their actions are and this has as James said led to looking quite carefully and I think it 's difficult to quantify the cost at the moment for a variety of reasons .
2 Second point I 'd make is that in relation to the table one .
3 I think it 's terrific , the only proviso I would make is that I 'm not prepared to do a parachute jump .
4 The only point I would make is that you must wait until they are willing reflectively to turn around before you start operating with the abstractions .
5 The only point that I would make is that if you are giving an opiate it will have many of the same effects and if I had to choose , I would probably prefer the opiate to diazepam .
6 The second point I would make is as to timing .
7 The s the point I would make is that first of all I do n't accept that twelve thousand seven hundred is er a tenable figure but that , probably the more important point is that there has to be a policy response , and a policy response to this issue demands that there is at least some response to the mi to the level of migration er you know my my my view has been put forward very clearly about that , but I would simply make make the point for the record that even accepting one hundred percent migration , there is no statistical case for a new settlement .
8 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
9 erm , where I set out my interpretation of what that means , and I do n't think it 's very helpful to read that out to you , but I think you will find that it 's er erm a very broad er description of what the new settlement should be seeking to achieve , now Mr erm I think has misunderstood our position on this question of erm the appropriate size for the new settlement , and I think if I 'm correct he suggested that we were promoting a a size of fourteen hundred , the point I think I would make is that the larger the new settlement erm the greater the range and the quality of services and facilities that can be provided , and I think you have to distinguish between what developers say they are prepared to provide , on the one hand in a new settlement , whatever the size , the quality of the retail or recreational social facility that occupies that physical provision , and also its long term viability , and I would suggest that a larger new settlement of the size that we are suggesting , is much more likely to er attract a range of quality providers of services and facilities than a smaller new settlement , and also Mr Grantham er raised the issue of the question of the development program , and what might be expected in terms of services and erm during the development program , and of course I think that would be a matter for any specific proposal , or a ma a matter of discussion between the local planning authority concerned and the developer , and I would expect it to be something erm that was included within a section one O six agreement .
10 The second point which I would make is that despite having had many months indeed years , to come to a view , erm it is only Selby District Council who have stepped forward and said , basically that they would be prepared to accommodate the new settlement .
11 And therefore , the point I would make is that I disagree with the weighting or the the two ticks given to the A sixty four south in in Mr 's assessment .
12 One final point I would make is is that there has been a a little bit of an impression given I think in some comments this morning that we have a a virtual free for all as regards the availability of agricultural land and er the marked change that it has been said to occur since nineteen eighty .
13 One of the few complaints which I would make is that the actor looks much too spruce for someone who is living rough in every sense of the word — forever dossing down in stations and trains and consuming endless quantities of the most vicious liquors .
14 A second point I would make is , check spelling .
15 Lastly , John , one of the observations I would make is that a lot of astronomers I know are people who seem to have quite strong religious convictions .
16 The other point I would make is that our company policy is that we write to every policy holder when we receive their policy .
17 As soon as she drew up to the roundabout at the top of Woodstock Road , she found herself in traffic which stretched as far as the eye could see , and when she switched on the car radio , she discovered that the only sound it would make was an assortment of squeaks and crackles .
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