Example sentences of "[pers pn] will go away " in BNC.

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1 Just say if you are and I 'll go away .
2 If you are being pressurised by someone , use this tactic ; it 's the ‘ I 'm just looking , thank you ’ or the ‘ I 'll go away and think about it ’ response to the pushy salesperson .
3 I 'll go away .
4 I 'll go away somewhere and have the baby .
5 Because if not , you 'd better say so now and I 'll go away and never bother you again .
6 I 'll go away and leave you to your fevered dalliances .
7 Right that 's , that 's , that 's lovely Ian anyway thanks very much for seeing me this evening erm well as I say I 'll go away and prepare some figures and then I 'll , I 'll see you what , what say Wednesday next week ?
8 Er all I 've said is , Yes I understand your position , I 'll go away and talk to Tom about it .
9 ‘ I 'm sorry , I 'll go away again — ’
10 I mean I 'm , I 'm here now and I 'll go away and then the other bloke may come round later again .
11 I 'll go away oh I have n't
12 Right well it will give you er I will go away and work these plans out but one that comes to mind is where there 's er a life cover but it 's a low level of life cover so you have more of an investment erm more of th more of your contributions goes towards the investment so that you get the bigger return in the ten years when you need it .
13 What do you say , you 'll go away in
14 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
15 So you 'll go away
16 Which you , you 'll go away with your partners and you 'll discuss this , and you 'll discuss what you want out of life .
17 I can imagine her in the church in her long white dress … and then she 'll go away !
18 Good , he thought , if I really work on her she 'll go away and leave me to it .
19 I expect many mothers have had the experience of standing at the sink washing and re-washing dishes because a teenage son or daughter is standing in the kitchen talking about something important , and once the dish-washing is over , he or she will go away .
20 This tactic goes against many of our instincts ; when confronted with a difficult audience member , we may tend to ignore the person in the vain hope that he or she will go away .
21 ‘ In any case , Karl will go , and then you will go away , too . ’
22 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
23 We 'll go away from them all I ca n't wait to see you …
24 So if you might get something like erm We 'll go away from sixteen , we 'll use two for a change .
25 I shall just say I 'm sorry we do n't want this meal and we 'll go away .
26 I wonder if we could get away with telling my mum that we 'll go away for Christmas and New Year .
27 Rosa in the chapel with her head bent over her hands , her legs stiff from kneeling , thought , We will go away together , somewhere different from here , to Africa , he said , he wanted to go there , and I will take care of him , we are like each other , we are both … and she hunted for the word because she did not want to use the word ‘ misfit ’ , and found ‘ changeling ’ .
28 ah , just a sec we will go away for the day if my
29 So you buy the Watchtower in the hope that they 'll go away and no come back , knowing full well that they will and that when they do , you 'll hide in the loo and pretend you 're out .
30 There is very little discussion about anything in our family — the excuse was that one must n't upset granny , but I think it 's a Glynn thing ; cut discussion to a minimum , especially of unpleasant things , and perhaps they 'll go away . ’
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