Example sentences of "[pers pn] do everything [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do everything with my mum .
2 Ivan H. May of Hampstead Garden Suburb writes : ‘ As a 70-year-old full-time carer looking after a wife suffering from dementia , I do everything in the house : shopping , cooking , washing-up , cleaning , washing , ironing , bed-making , mending and paying the bills , not to mention doing the garden and most of the decorating .
3 If , she said to herself , writing Marjorie Richardson and Lady Mayhew and Miss Dunstable down for Easter lilies , if I do everything in the parish that I should do , and I keep the garden going and the meals and the house ( sort of ) and the translation , then where can be the harm in doing this other undeniably humble little thing that so curiously makes me feel strong and alive ?
4 I do everything from the Gaul huts and chariots to people .
5 I then went to Coventry Belgrade for six months , where I did everything from Malcolm in Macbeth to the play Charlie 's Aunt .
6 Will she do everything within her power , with our European Community partners , to ensure that all the people of Somaliland are listened to , not just the factions in the south who , after all , have an Italian connection rather than a British one ?
7 People would expect you to do everything for them ; revitalise the planet , solve all their problems , etc. ’ without doing anything themselves .
8 See that other members of the family , if you have one , stop depending on you to do everything for them , as they did when they were younger .
9 Mm some people decided they were going to work as a , as a group on their table , to gather information and when you were doing the tallies last week , you helped each other did n't you , some of you helped , you were talking to one another to help make sure that you got the right number of tallies , if you worked with some other people to get the survey questions and do the tallies , sign it , if you did everything on your own , leave it blank is anyone not sure what to do there ?
10 Erm there 's a tendency not to bother with multiplication tables too much , because you do everything on your calculator .
11 Yeah cos I notice you do everything in pencil in your diary , do n't you ?
12 In fact she did everything for me .
13 And when they had a party , Lottie , who was Clive Bell 's cook — well , she did everything for him — she 'd say : ‘ There 's a party round Fitzroy Street ! ’
14 She did everything with quick , darting movements in which violence was barely restrained .
15 She did everything about the house .
16 She did everything by The Book .
17 I mean one person in particular , who is very good and always does the work , but I feel is probably — ok , she babies people too much , she does everything for them , rather than allow them to do it themselves .
18 Yeah cooked , we done everything on the fire
19 Certain institutions carried the same message : lineage welfare payments , for instance , and the solemnities of threatening vengeance and exacting a settlement , were adat ( customary ) , the way we have always done things , living reminders of a time when ‘ we did everything in this way ’ .
20 ‘ Obviously we would like to have got through by playing football we did everything by the book while Tbilisi did n't .
21 Indeed , the only question seemed to be whether he should even bother to make a move , or just let her do everything for him .
22 Everyone in the castle where he lives had become totally reliant on him to do everything for them , so the loss of the magic is somewhat disastrous .
23 The rationale behind Laura 's views was that her heart was in Wales , or , more specifically , in the factory in Wales , and this obliged her to do everything within her power to maintain that factory at full capacity .
24 Yet a friend with a 14.1hh Welsh Cob says his costs average out at £12 a week ; admittedly she has her own land and he lives out most of the time , but he really earns his living — last year they did everything from Riding Club events to a few days hunting .
25 She said they did everything in teams , for the honour , and what was the good of that , when she could leave them all standing with one arm tied behind her back ?
26 They have these computers , you touch the keys , they do everything for you . ’
27 When you see it coming — remember that they do everything on the move — you jump on to the runner on the opposite side from the dog , take a deep breath and hope the runner wo n't kick it up .
28 It 's no consolation to those involved in Monday 's canoeing tragedy , but British school trips have an impressive safety record and schools are keen to assure parents that they do everything in their power to ensure the wellbeing of pupils in their care .
29 They do everything from jive to the old-fashioned stuff and host an annual ball which is very well attended . ’
30 He did everything for that dog and thought the world of him .
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