Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] arrange " in BNC.

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1 I am going to arrange a van to transport that fish to Berkeley so get it up on the bank . ’
2 If the children are already working well , perhaps all you need to do is to enter very briefly and present them with a stimulus : " I 'm trying to arrange a birthday party for my nieces and nephews ; could you help me organise it . "
3 I 'm phoning to arrange a time …
4 I was going to arrange for one to attend you anyway . ’
5 If you can , you should try to work out in advance what the patient needs for his practical comfort ; how you are going to arrange his living quarters and his access to the bathroom and toilet ; and how he is going to occupy his time .
6 Therefore you are advised to arrange important meetings at times coincident with daytime on your home time and to avoid times coincident with night on home time .
7 My question to Mr which he might like to comment on in his his summing up , is we 've heard about the forthcoming meeting which you 're going to arrange with the district council 's , how soon would you be able to make progress ?
8 Erm you 're going to arrange the er the course .
9 Mrs Hill says she 's trying to arrange a meeting with the foreign office , she says the least they could do is apologise .
10 We are hoping to arrange a working weekend for either the 11-12th August or the 18-19th August .
11 Th th there is one point on the same vein as that Bob , th the second sheet on the D One , where there 's a suggestion that we tick off additional bits that we 're gon na put into our contract , we are going to arrange possessions , we we 're gon na do this that and the other .
12 I do n't know how we 're going to arrange it , ’ she said lightly .
13 ‘ I do n't know how we 're going to arrange things , but we 've got to find a way . ’
14 We were forced to arrange an extra weekend in Birmingham from 12 to 14 May .
15 They 're trying to arrange a ‘ mutually convenient ’ date ( and in the back of their minds they also want it to still be on sky … so unless we both get knocked out of the FA cup this weekend ( perish the thought ) we 'll probably end up playing a saturday and the following monday if moneygrabber silver is owt to do with it .
16 It is hoped to arrange an on-site meeting with the owner of the bridge next month , probably on a Saturday .
17 Having finally decided that it does want to get into the merchant semiconductor market , IBM Corp says it is looking to arrange a number of semiconductor industry alliances , with the aim of becoming a world top 10 company in chip sales .
18 After careful consideration , Fred Dunston explained the intolerable conditions to those concerned and it was decided to arrange for the return of the children to Bydown .
19 In conjunction with FSS , it was hoped to arrange a completely different tour itinerary .
20 On other days , he tended to have lunch either at the Reform or at the Oxford and Cambridge Club ; to judge by his correspondence , there were few occasions when he happened to be " free " and he was forced to arrange regular times in order to see close friends like Herbert Read .
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