Example sentences of "[pers pn] have almost [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd almost given you up , ’ said Emlyn , half nettled , half intrigued .
2 I 'd almost given up hope that you 'd ever see me as a girl … a woman .
3 But I 've walked past so many pretty dresses and little socks with lacy tops , I 'd almost given up .
4 ‘ It was heart-breaking — she looked so frail , I felt as if I 'd almost lost her , ’ says her mum .
5 I 'd almost fallen asleep while Uncle Hamish had been droning on .
6 We 've been back together for so long I 'd almost forgotten about it .
7 I 'd almost forgotten why I came .
8 I 'd almost forgotten .
9 I 'd almost forgotten about them .
10 I 'd almost forgotten it was so near Christmas .
11 By all that 's holy , I 'd almost forgotten we were in a place where they sell beer .
12 I 'd almost forgotten how good you look in the mornings . ’
13 When I reached Denis 's , I 'd almost forgotten about my brassy hair .
14 I 'd almost forgotten . ’
15 I 'd almost forgotten , ’ she admitted .
16 I 'd almost got the feeling he was attached to me , or maybe I was attached to him .
17 I think I 'd almost convinced myself that when I saw you I 'd be cured .
18 It was fortuitous that my slackening off in actual programme production at CBC coincided with an increasing social activity , mainly with the Semmens family , whose house I had almost begun to regard as home .
19 I had almost reached the kitchen doorway when I heard the furious sounds of her footsteps coming back towards me again .
20 By the time we met I had almost reached The Old Castle Inn at Old Sarum and good old Dad bought me the largest ginger beer I 've ever had .
21 By the time I had almost given up hope , a telegram arrived .
22 He said : ‘ It has been such a long time coming I had almost given up hope .
23 Thinking that dog must not eat dog , even if my meal be only that of a mongrel , I had almost decided to spare him .
24 By now I had almost convinced Rick to change to the boilie when I had another take on the Tropicana ; this was all the convincing he needed as I landed a nice mirror around the 12lb mark .
25 And I had almost forgotten the lilt of a Scottish accent , the sense of pleasure that can flow behind its reserve .
26 Now , after I had been walking for only seventeen days , I had almost forgotten those words .
27 I had almost forgotten about him and immediately felt depressed as I trudged off to find my car .
28 At the end of April I had almost forgotten my prediction for a release when Bilal and his partner , for whom we had no other name than Frank 's ‘ Jerk ’ , excitedly started spring-cleaning both the apartment and us .
29 I had almost expected to see giant Atlantic waves smashing against the great wall but , no , the far side was still quite calm , sunshine , a picturesque blue bay , shell white/silver beaches though , on the horizon , ominous looking ranks of white surf .
30 I had almost forgot it . ’
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