Example sentences of "[pers pn] have always had " in BNC.

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1 So anyway er I mean being a keen motorcyclist I borrowed a Moto Guzzi last year , you know a big V twin , beautiful bike , I went up into Derbyshire and had a you know ride on it , and thought well that 's not bad , see I 've always had British bikes , and I think I might g I might get one of those , so I came back in the house put the helmet down and said hey that Guzzi 's not bad , I could get a decent one for about two thousand you know about nineteen eighty , you know nice Le Mans Two .
2 I 'd always had a fantasy about living with an artist and waking up in the morning and him standing there with a canvas .
3 Up until the age of 33 , I managed to push this turmoil to the back of my mind , although I 'd always had trouble with relationships because I was so full of self-doubt , and succeeded in destroying any relationship that seemed to be leading anywhere .
4 I had always had someone to go round with , while in Europe , or in America ; and good company , any company , can make an enormous difference to one 's perception of whatever one happens to be perceiving .
5 I had always had the sense of a ‘ presence ’ .
6 I had always had private clients in my spare time and they were gathering momentum , ’ she says .
7 I had always had difficulty with the idea of a long-bearded god sitting on a throne on high , but because it came in the form it did , as an energy , I had no difficulty with it …
8 ‘ You mentioned it during one of our first meetings so I 've always had a hankering to see how they 've done it .
9 I 've always owned bitches and I 've always had them done .
10 It 's something I 've always had an affection for .
11 I 've always had tremendous energy .
12 I like the way I dress , though , I 've always had this thing for a sports look , that 's what I 'm aiming for .
13 I 've always had a battle with my weight .
14 I 've always had antiques around me . ’
15 I 've always had a yen for married women — it 's something to do with being an only son , I suspect , some sort of Oedipal urge to play Daddy 's part with Mummy — and I knew by experience how much care and tact is needed .
16 I can do most things on that , but the one thing I 've always had a problem getting with that type of preamp setup is the kind of crunchy combo sound .
17 I 've never really thought about it , though , because I 've always had so many other things to do .
18 While I confess that when it comes to Ovation roundback instruments I 've never really seen what the fuss was about , I 've always had a sneaking admiration for anyone who uses them .
19 I am a trained nurse and I 've always had a weight problem .
20 I 've always had a drink , love .
21 Actually , I sent Felicity to Summerhill because I saw this awfully exciting film called The Alamo , starring John Wayne , whom I adore , and he makes this absolutely glorious speech in it which goes ‘ Freedom , I like the sound of the word ’ , actually it 's ‘ Republic ’ he says , I know that because it was on the television last week , but I 've always heard it as ‘ Freedom ’ and I read that A S O'Neill positively breathed Freedom , as indeed do all the Irish , I find , and one has to have pots of money to go there , which gives one — what 's the word ? — sachet , which you do absolutely need to get into Society these days , and Felicity ( her name means Freedom , too , from the Latin , you know ) was frightfully keen to go , and does n't the name simply drip June in , say , the Cotswolds , and Felicity says there are teachers there with nothing to do at all , so you can tell the staff must be tip-top — I mean , what luxury ! spare staff ! — and Felicity 's always been such a tearaway and I know it 's jolly hard but I do think one needs Discipline to get one 's Freedom , I 've always had it , and Republics too , and now I gather she 's been on television , and Felicity was absolutely swearing by the school or something , Angela says , and where is it — somewhere pretty — she goes by train …
22 I 've always had a strong desire to have a real family .
23 Anyway , I 've always had this real fear of me appearing in the Mail On Sunday with my eyes shut and looking pissed , with some caption underneath saying ‘ Whose beer is it anyway ? ’ or ‘ Have I got booze for you ’ . ’
24 I 've always had a fertile imagination , ’ he says .
25 I 've always had a feeling that United 's goal crisis was not the fault of Mark Hughes or Brian McClair but of problems around them — not least the inability of the midfield to score .
26 I 've always had an ear for accents , and I gave them my best German and Italian and my speciality : French with a hint of Punjabi .
27 Another time I was lying in a hospital bed after a car crash — I 'd been lucky and escaped with minor injuries , but I 've always had a keen sense of drama , so I lay there feeling as though I 'd just come through the Battle of Britain .
28 I 'll tell you this , I 've always had to like him on the job .
29 I 've always had trouble with microphones and making friends with them ’ is her typically crisp comment .
30 I 've always had a theory about this particular food .
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