Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] think he " in BNC.

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1 Now he looked over at Cameron , taking stock of the quizzical lift of his right eyebrow when he looked out below his black fringe , the down-turn of his mouth under his long curved nose , and began to recapitulate his argument with care , uncomfortably aware that Angus might think he was trying not to sound drunk .
2 Eleanor would think he was in a cancer ward and be impressed by his bravery and pity him .
3 What did he mean when he said half of England will think he got it wrong ?
4 Fenton Marshall might think he knew everything about women in general .
5 He thought Morrissey might think he looked too weird .
6 ‘ In any case , Boli might think he is tough but we play against real hard men every week in the Scottish Premier League .
7 The equivalent Japanese , transported to modern Tokyo would think he was on a different planet !
8 No , not hurt exactly , sad , a bit angry that Feargal should think he was less than he was .
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