Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] find he " in BNC.

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1 But David may find he has competition .
2 In barracks he was where Sims could find him and while he did n't expect much from Sunday dinner in a near-deserted mess , just being back with the Army was sauce enough for the moment .
3 He had always known that Graham would find him again one day .
4 We greatly value all the prayer support we have had in the past and would continue to seek your prayers for the way forward and that those who come along and do n't know Christ may find him .
5 ‘ Wherever Steve went Sarah would find him .
6 Lloyd Mangram takes over the letters page as of next month — if Scorelord can find him !
7 With South Africa back in the international fold , maybe Jonty Rhodes will find he can take the Centenary Olympics by storm in his other sport , hockey .
8 Macari may find he has to sell before he can buy , so rebuilding could be a lengthy process .
9 Walter will find him safe lying at the holding until Iago can ferry him over and see him on his way .
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