Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] fall into " in BNC.

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1 In February 1982 , after C. and D. had fallen into arrears on the mortgage payments the building society obtained possession .
2 Constance lay awake long after Ludovico had fallen into a heavy sleep .
3 One of the most prominent clumps which Tony Wedd found to fall into alignment with others was Gill 's Lap , high on Ashdown Forest .
4 Owen had fallen into the familiar rhetorical style of the Arab .
5 A man named Charles Lloyd had fallen into the river , and was in severe difficulties .
6 Their Parthenon-building ancestors began that culture , and their Byzantine ancestors kept it alive when the rest of Europe had fallen into the dark ages .
7 Punctuated by interjections from Mark , Clem told the story of how Mark had fallen into a barrel of high viscosity oil while standing on the lid to get at another barrel with his hand pump .
8 The Guérignys ’ smallholding on the edge of the village of Préfleur had fallen into dilapidation ; the roof of the red , herring-bone-brick house and stabling had caved in , leaving the ribs exposed and the heart shattered .
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