Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] forward [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Darwin put forward his theory of sexual selection to explain the apparently detrimental sexual characters possessed by many species .
2 Er , the truth about genetics was discovered more or less the same time Darwin put forward his theory in the early eighteen sixties by who was er erm carried out erm experiments in sweetpeas in the monastery garden and apparently sent a copy of his paper to Darwin .
3 Now in order to understand this and not to misunderstand terms , we 've got to unders the first thing we have to understand is what Darwin 's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is all about and the problem with this , and in some ways this is analogous to the problem with Freud , and I 'll be talking about this later , is that er when Darwin put forward his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in eighteen fifty nine it was confused and misunderstood because of the ideas of other people like Herbert Spencer and the so-called Social Darwinists , who coined slogans like , for example , survival of the fittest .
4 A meeting duly took place on Sept. 18 , at the " peace village " of Panmunjom within the Demilitarized zone at which North Korea put forward its advocacy of a single UN seat in order to avoid continuing the country 's temporary division .
5 John Smith and Bryan Gould put forward their visions for the Labour Party 's future
6 John Smith and Bryan Gould put forward their visions for the party 's future
7 We are required to find the value of given In 1811 , Amedeo Avogadro put forward his famous law which states that equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules .
8 This week Mr Yeltsin put forward his own tough option .
9 In a Congress debate on May 22 on a draft law to establish Russian sovereignty , Yeltsin put forward his own far more radical 14-point plan .
10 Since Baeyer put forward his strain theory of bonding in 1885 , chemists have probed the limits of convention by conceiving and investigating structures under strain .
11 In a clear display of leadership from the fringe yesterday , Michael Heseltine put forward his own radical strategy for industrial and social regeneration based on policies of sound money .
12 When Watkins put forward his observations regarding remnants of prehistoric alignments in Britain he ran head-on into official archaeological thinking which still believed in the Piltdown Man .
13 This conflict between the judges and the Lord Chancellor 's Department erupted when Lord Mackay put forward his proposals for the reform of the legal profession .
15 ‘ Poor Copenhagen do n't know where they are going yet and I think that is why UEFA brought forward their meeting .
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