Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] and told " in BNC.

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1 Anne and Heywood Hill , of the bookshop in Curzon Street , lived at number 10 Warwick Avenue and told them that the lease next door was for sale .
2 ‘ The first time , ’ he said , ‘ I was standing at Sandown airport and told this man that Frank Spencer was flying the plane that was coming down to land .
3 Then she had gone to Mother Benedicta and told her of her sin .
4 ‘ You went to see Angy on Monday afternoon and told Rick that evening about the invitation for Tuesday , right ? ’
5 FORMER England boss Bobby Robson yesterday spoke of his sympathy for beleaguered successor Graham Taylor and told the critics : ‘ Let's get round and support him . ’
6 The card was written by the Reverend Donald McQueen and told them that the Laird of Raasay had sent his own boat for them ; the reverend gentleman himself arrived shortly afterwards ; ‘ an elderly man , ’ says Boswell , ‘ with his own black hair , courteous and rather slow of speech , but candid , sensible and well-informed . ’
7 Lewis had written to Uncle Hilbert and told him of his intention to name his son after him , inviting him to be the child 's godfather .
8 Students poked fun at Mr Hall and told a stream of dirty jokes .
9 Mr Brandreth met with Mr Hanley and told him in no uncertain terms that the people of Chester were far from happy with the decision to go to Glasgow .
10 The President of the EC Commission was given a tongue-lashing from Mr Major and told to drop his objections to a world trade deal or be sacked .
11 I was impressed by Ali Wali and told him I hoped to get permission to return .
12 But he saw Baldwin on the Sunday morning and told him that he had no doubt that Curzon would be chosen , although his own turn would come in due course .
13 He cornered the wife of the then head of BBC radio and told her : ‘ There was this man .
14 Then , came Peter 's most frightening moment : ‘ We were sent out in a Land Rover and told we were driving through enemy territory . ’
15 Quite unexpectedly , at 9.00 a.m. on 12 July , the couple turned up at Auckland airport and told the hire company 's office there that they had to return early to Europe and were planning to catch the 11.30 a.m .
16 Berisha met with President George Bush and told him that Albania fully supported economic sanctions against Serbia , in spite of their high cost to Albania .
17 But last night , Ferguson dismissed the claims as ‘ rubbish ’ and insisted : ‘ I phoned Barry Fry and told him there is nothing in it . ’
18 One of the top ANC men came back from the Dar Es Salaam talks and told us , ‘ I am more than ever convinced that violence is not the way .
19 Aerial photographers scanning the country for just such signs had recorded the Hatherley evidence and told him it was virtually certain to be a Roman villa , but that archaeologists would give precedence to the more important sites .
20 SUNDERLAND caretaker boss Malcolm Crosby has hit out at transfer-listed striker Thomas Hauser and told the towering target man to get his act together .
21 Hugo first telephoned the de Chavigny offices and told them to contact Edouard immediately ; then , for the first time in many years , he prayed .
22 A week later I was called back to Downing Street by Margaret Thatcher and told that I was taking over the Department of Health and Social Security and also the question-and-answer session .
23 Twelve years old , hopeful and wholesome as a morning daisy , she appeared one Wednesday on the Wogan Show and told a nation with honesty and enthusiasm how she had sailed across the Atlantic in her Optimist .
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