Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] brought [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This echo of Kite Hill brought his hirer to mind .
2 Zsa Zsa Gabor brought her own hairdresser .
3 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
4 They did as they were ordered , and when the arms began to flail again Mother Francis brought her hand in a resounding blow across Sister Mary 's face , sending her backwards against the wall , where she stood , quiet now , her mouth agape and froth around her lips .
5 In the 1880s the development of a practical electric tramway was a pressing need in developed countries , and to this end Holroyd Smith brought his inventive mind , energy , connections and moderate financial resources .
6 I used to tease her about being so house-proud and she 'd tell me how her Aunt Rosina brought her up to do everything just so . ’
7 Dr Darnell brought them . ’
8 This task was for him somewhat infra dig , but until Burden and Sergeant Martin brought him some information he had little else to do , and this way he could , at any rate , be certain it was well done .
9 Charlie Smith began to protest , but Gideon Eddy brought his protestations to an abrupt halt .
10 Bernie Slaven brought his goals for the season to 19 — one behind Mick Quinn and Darran Rowbotham among the League 's top scorers — with three for Middlesbrough in their 4-1 win over Sheffield Wednesday .
11 ‘ What happened was Chester Thompson brought them all down , because he had met me about a year prior to that and we just corresponded .
12 Any way , Aunt Bessie brought her up in the little house built by her husband and brother-in-law which was near to South Stainmore .
13 Beryl Cooper brought her 75-year old father home to live with herself , her husband and their two children on the day her mother died .
14 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
15 The doctrine of terra nullius ( no man 's land ) was accepted by the courts until Eddie Mabo brought his case to the High Court last year .
16 Once Nicaragua and the United States had concluded the Treaty , Costa Rica brought its claim before the Central American Court , asking for a declaration that the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty was null and void as Nicaragua had no capacity to enter into it .
17 At the time of going to press , Kenny Dickson brought us up-to-date with developments :
18 Mr Browning brought you , sir . ’
19 He was glad afterwards he went , for prince Albert was there , and Mr. Gould brought his pretty singing New South Wales parrots . ’
20 Endill ran to the cart as Mr McDoodle brought it to the house .
21 Roland drew his breath in minor shock : Maud said , ‘ Oh , the dolls ’ — and Sir George brought his light back from a blank mirror entwined with gilded roses and focused it on the three rigid figures , semi-recumbent under a dusty counterpane , in a substantial if miniature four-poster bed .
22 On the next day , 2 July , Mr. O'Brien brought his wife to the sub-branch .
23 His leadership is respected by all the rugby nations of the world , but a happy bunch of youngsters from Witham School brought him down to earth as they piled in yesterday at Twickenham .
24 Guernsey granite rather than Purbeck stone brought him wealth and he retired to Swanage in 1944 leaving his nephew George Burt to look after the firm in London .
25 Mr Pritchard brought me . ’
26 Mr Evans brought us up together , made no difference between us .
27 Brother Cadfael brought him a warming drink , and a draught to settle his stomach , and they left him to sleep it off .
28 Mrs Singh brought her letters and forms for me to elucidate .
29 The day Station Guide Tricia Connor brought her baby son Gregor in to meet her colleagues , the Ukrainian visitors were also on hand , so baby Gregor was introduced to them .
30 Cecily Robinson brought her three leading dancers , Patricia Murphy , Lillian Graham and Luyt , to Johannesburg four days early , so that they could become used to the high altitude , which would affect their breathing , and to the steep rake of the stage .
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