Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] looked [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Honey looked up sharply …
2 Miss Potts I was awfully sorry about that spider affair the other day , she began , of course Alicia and Daryl were in the classroom before hand , I 'm sure they know something about it , I heard Alicia say , Miss Potts looked up , are you trying to sneak she said , or in more polite language to tell tales , because if so , do n't try it on me .
3 Miss Havisham looked down at her dress , and then at her face in the mirror on the table .
4 While I was speaking , Miss J. looked out of the window in a sarcastic manner and when I had finished she said ‘ thank you ’ very politely but with rather a sneering look .
5 Just after lunch , as she was wriggling into her guide uniform , which had grown somewhat tight , Miss Lodsworth looked out of the window and saw a girl not wearing a hard hat clattering five ponies down the High Street .
6 James is set to pay the price for an indifferent performance at Spurs on Saturday , Hooper winning a dramatic recall after his Anfield career looked over following his walkout on the eve of last season 's FA Cup final against Sunderland .
7 James is set to pay the price for an indifferent performance at Spurs on Saturday , Hooper winning a dramatic recall after his Anfield career looked over following his walkout on the eve of last season 's FA Cup final against Sunderland .
8 Tuan Ti Fo looked up from where he was making ch'a to where the boy lay sleeping on the bedroll in the far corner of the room .
9 Tuan Ti Fo looked up .
10 Then as nurse Neil McGregor looked on helplessly Peter Sigsworth attacked a fellow patient before being restrained by six members of staff .
11 Mrs. Mounce looked down at the suitcase .
12 Miss Hatherby looked down and shook her head before stepping into the house .
13 Rex Mundi looked in .
14 Miss Evans looked down at their feet .
15 The McLaren girl looked up .
16 Little Lisa Hammond looked up at her mum Janet with hopelessness in her eyes .
17 Ross Aldridge looked back at the six deer .
18 Once , his bishop slaughtered in an exchange of pieces , Dr Neil looked up at her and said , ‘ It 's a good thing that the Master did n't underestimate you overmuch , McAllister .
19 Dr Neil looked down at the bent blue-black head , and some idea of the enormous concession she was making to him struck home .
20 The Sherman brothers looked up to see the governor and their father talking to an old Annamese with a long gray goatee , who was wearing a black-winged Ming dynasty mandarin 's bonnet and a long embroidered gown of brilliant sea-green silk .
21 Jane Postlethwaite looked down into her lap .
22 Li Shai Tung looked up at him and shook his head .
23 Li Shai Tung looked up and met Shepherd 's eyes .
24 Li Shai Tung looked up at him , his face suddenly hawk-like , his eyes fiercer than before .
25 Li Shai Tung looked up , surprised , meeting the new T'ang 's eyes .
26 Li Shai Tung looked back at the pictures above the bed with new understanding .
27 Li Shai Tung looked back at Shepherd .
28 Li Shai Tung looked back at him , the understanding of thirty years passing between them .
29 Li Shai Tung looked down sharply .
30 Li Shai Tung looked down past his feet at the blue-white circle of Chung Kuo .
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