Example sentences of "[noun prp] [unc] novel [art] " in BNC.

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1 All that remains on the site of the monastic gatehouse in modern Perth is the stone house associated with Walter Scott 's novel The Fair Maid of Perth .
2 It also served as a prison , and features as such in Walter Scott 's novel The Heart of Midlothian .
3 1 John Le Carré 's novel The Russia House opens with the following three paragraphs .
4 A fine example is Julian Symons ' novel the Man Who Lost His Wife .
5 But Mary Daly , for example , in GynlEcology , sometimes writes as if most women were really little more than the programmed , robotic puppets to which women were reduced in Ira Levin 's novel The Stepford Wives ; the language of ‘ fembots ’ and ‘ mutants ’ and ‘ puppets ’ , whilst intended , I am sure , to enunciate a critique of women 's oppressors , veers perilously near to sounding like contempt for those who are subject to that oppression .
6 ( For example , the power of Stephen King 's novel The Stand is that evil is a living reality , not the negation of goodness . )
7 See Mary McCarthy 's novel The Group …
8 WHEN CHARLES WEBB 'S novel The Graduate was first published in 1963 , Lawrence Turman , a 37-year-old independent producer with a couple of films to his name — The Young Doctors and I Could Go On Singing — read it , liked it and managed to acquire the rights in 1964 for $20,000 from the ingenuous author .
9 As a character in Doris Lessing 's novel The Diaries of Jane Somers , says about old people , ‘ I had not seen them .
10 Just as the most penetrating analysis of the human problems behind double blind drug trials is to be found not in any treatise of medical ethics but in John Rowan Wilson 's novel The Double Blind ( 1961 ) , so the stern and rigorous standards of experimental science are uniquely illustrated in Arrowsmith .
11 Readers of William Cooper 's novel The Struggles of Albert Woods will remember the frantic indignation this caused .
12 A unique collaboration of poetry , music and theatre inspired by Michele Robert 's novel The Wild Girl .
13 An incipient storm was provoked by Michele Robert 's novel The Wild Girl .
14 It so happened , entirely by coincidence , that Coghill lent Lewis a copy of Williams 's novel The Place of the Lion at precisely this moment .
15 NORMA Major is forging ahead with her plans to write a film script from Audrey Erskine Lindop 's novel The Way To The Lantern .
16 We shall take a part of his analysis of the language of William Golding 's novel The Inheritors to illustrate the relation of pluralism to dualism and monism .
17 Thus Kafka 's novel The Trial , for example , can be read , from different positions , as ( a ) mediation by projection — an arbitrary and irrational social system is not directly described , in its own terms , but projected , in its essentials , as strange and alien ; or ( b ) mediation by the discovery of an ‘ objective correlative' — a situation and characters are composed to produce , in an objective form , the subjective or actual feelings — an inexpressible guilt — from which the original impulse to composition came ; or ( c ) mediation as a function of the fundamental social processes of consciousness , in which certain crises which can not otherwise be directly apprehended are ‘ crystallized ’ in certain direct images and forms of art — images which then illuminate a basic ( social and psychological ) condition : not just Kafka 's but a general alienation .
18 On p14 there was a brief note about David Puttnam 's recent work on Isabel Allende 's novel The House of The Spirits .
19 The only thing that 's really captured the city for me was Dermot Bolger 's novel The Journey Home , which used the city as a backdrop for a universal story .
20 A recent Government statement following the controversy surrounding Salman Rushdie 's novel The Satantic Verses stated that blasphemy prosecutions would be ‘ damaging , divisive and inappropriate . ’
21 In a speech on Tehran radio on June 5 Hojatolislam Seyed Ali Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , repeated the demand that the British novelist Salman Rushdie should be handed over to British Moslems " so that he can be killed for blasphemy against Islam " , as first decreed by fatwa issued in February 1989 by the late Ayatollah Khomeini after publication of Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
22 British Moslem leaders claimed that the ban was an example of British double standards , since there had been no ban on Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses , for which he had first been condemned to death by the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in February 1989 [ see pp. 36450-51 ; 37266 ] .
23 Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi remained closed from the beginning of May following the issuing of a " death sentence " by Moslem fundamentalist students against the pro-Vice-Chancellor , Professor Mushirul Hasan , who had called for the lifting of the ban , in force since October 1988 on the grounds of blasphemy , on the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie 's novel The Satanic Verses [ see p 36450 ] .
24 Samaraweera cites Leonard Woolf 's novel The Village in the Jungle to support his characterization of the average litigant as ignorant of court procedure , but Woolf 's novel was set in an impoverished , dying and atypical village in the dry zone .
25 I had a couple of books which I had slipped into my light case — Somerset Maugham 's novel The Moon and Sixpence , which I was looking forward to reading again because it was , of course , based on the life of the painter Gauguin , who 'd lived here in the South Seas ; and a collection of Guy de Maupassant stories , in English .
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