Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] appeal for " in BNC.

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1 REPRESENTATIVES of 1,600 Lloyd 's of London names who lost hundreds of millions of pounds through syndicates run by Mr Dick Outhwaite yesterday appealed for an out of court settlement of a threatened legal wrangle .
2 This was not , however , accepted either by the English or by the Pope , to whom Edward repeatedly appealed for help .
3 AUSTRALIAN entrepreneur Alan Bond yesterday appealed for the support of his shareholders , saying his debt-burdened brewing , property and media group would survive .
4 West Bromwich police Chief Superintendent Brian Quilter also appealed for calm .
5 Detectives in Northwich yesterday appealed for public help in catching the pair .
6 The Solidarity leader Lech Walesa also appealed for a return to work .
7 STRANDED German tourist Gabrielle Fischer today appealed for thieves to return her prized £3,500 motorbike .
8 Pakistan 's Javed Miandad then appealed for calm , but he failed to quieten the protesters .
9 With his whole political position in western Toulouse crumbling , Raymond again appealed for help to his overlord , King Philip , and this time his appeal was answered .
10 DETECTIVES investigating the murder of pub landlady Denise Johnston today appealed for the father of her child to get in touch .
11 Miss Crowley then appealed for help from anyone who may have seen Ashworth in a number of locations around the city last Wednesday evening .
12 POLICE in the Castlemilk area of Glasgow yesterday appealed for a taxi driver to contact them , in the hope that he can provide a clue to the murder of 66-year-old Daniel Currie at the weekend .
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