Example sentences of "[noun prp] [pron] gave [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was the goals from McStay , McAllister and McClair which gave the Scots a stirring win in Norrkoping , and the bite of McCall which gave them a formidable balance .
2 Former Beirut hostage John McCarthy has paid tribute to the staff of RAF Lyneham who gave him help and support after his release .
3 I bought a little farm near Oakville some years ago at four thousand an acre … sold it two years ago at fifteen thousand an acre … was n't that lucky ! … after all the hard-up years I lived through … almost starving at times … it was Mr Workman who gave me your address for this letter … poor old Fred … he 's getting old like the rest of us …
4 HERE are two more unlikely lads to add to the super WWF Wallchart we gave you on Monday .
5 ‘ When everyone started to sing Flower of Scotland it gave everyone a great lift .
6 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
7 It was said to be the site of the shrine of the goddess Mumba Devi or Maha Amba who gave her name to Bombay .
8 All were firm but kind with the eagles , who were passive in return , but for a very few like Kraal who gave them as much trouble as he could .
9 MAY I thank the following persons who gave their services free at a recent function held by the Royal Victoria Heart Club : Barnbrack , Sylvia Paris , Yvonne , Mary Ann , Bobby Crowthers , David Patterson ; the committee and staff of the Ulster Sports Club , High Street who gave their premises free ; the prize donors ; and , finally , those who attended .
10 It was Sayeeda who gave me an insatiable desire to open the doors of Oman , doors which were locked to most foreigners and needed a special key .
11 He met up with old colleagues such as Mike Evans and Graham Knight who gave him a typically ex-London welcome .
12 And I was with Deborah he gave me a hard
13 It was the prostitutes in Douai and Lille and Paris who gave me my first induction into their ways and wiles .
14 That were one of the best nights in my life , the charge we gave Arthur he gave it straight back to us . "
15 Evelyn took up the pen and wrote her name quickly , then looked up at Miss Harker who gave her the briefest of nods and immediately turned her attention back to the rest of the company .
16 gets past but he ca n't get past and Shrewsbury are breaking with it but they 're still inside their own half at the moment with Kevin who gave them the fighting chance with the original equalizer inside the first half .
17 It was Virginia who gave me the clue .
18 Ambulancemen told his parents that when they first attended Craig they gave him only minutes to live .
19 and half of it is rubbish and decent rubbish and that 's rubbish there it is I knew it was in here somewhere I knew I thought it was in the Prima they gave it to you but obviously it was erm in Essentials everything out of there do n't think they had many Christmas You used to was it you , you see you can make your own , was it you that we went up to town that time and brought those erm from John Lewis the round
20 It was simply their headquarters where they came to trade , where they came to er perhaps attend law courts but particularly where the prior of came when he came to do services at the Minster because he was a canon of York as well as being canon or the parish of Bramham which gave him a seat in the Cathedral .
21 One of the men he approached was Spurgeon who gave him this characteristic response : ‘ I sit on my own gate , and whistle my own tunes , and am quite content . ’
22 ROBBIE You gave me away .
23 It was Daphne who gave me my first art book , The Treasures of Italy , in exchange for several cream wafers , and from that day on I knew I had stumbled across a subject I wanted to study for the rest of my life .
24 And before Bill Robins left for Sanderstown he gave me his address and telephone number , saying , ‘ I 'll be really hurt if you ever come to Sanderstown and do n't look me up .
25 Ron was kind ; like Mr Scrooge he gave us Christmas Day off .
26 At Scunthorpe I gave my first performance just after half-time — a blast of Star Wars .
27 On Thursday we gave our first lecture to a wider audience , and were surprised that more than a hundred turned up .
28 I do have to thank on behalf of my stewards ' committee er , Terry who gave us a lot of help and also the er , Regional Section who also helped us .
29 The morning session was concluded by John Davis who gave his views on the future of the European display scene .
30 ‘ Remember , Alec , the doctor in London who gave me the job did say Koraloona was a living laboratory for the treatment of polio .
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